
In the comics a LOT of people have wielded Mjolnir at various points. They get the full powers of Thor, including the ability to summon storms and lightning. That’s part of “the power of Thor,” and if you can use the hammer, you get that power. That’s the deal.


On the other hand, if Steve screws up without returning all the stones and gets stuck in Asgard or something everyone is potentially screwed. Whereas if you give the stones to Doctor Strange and have him return the time-stone last he can get multiple tries if he messes up.

Then again, I suppose Doctor Strange also saw

“Whomsoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.” This is what Odin says when he casts Thor out in the original film, so it holds that if you have the hammer you have Thor’s powers, including lightning magic.

Coincidentally, the phrase he felt it move when he tugged” is found in over 90% of Cap Thor slashfic. At the risk of ruining the innuendo with a relevant Joss Whedon reference, the hammer is his penis.

Why fart and waste it when you can burp and taste it?”

I don’t disagree with her, but I think it’s pretty reductive to winnow everything Ramsey did to Sansa down to a single rape scene. She was his hostage/bride at Winterfell for about a year, according to the good people who make highly detailed GoT timelines.

Jesus. Imagine if anyone actually watched the god damn show and realized that maybe, JUST FUCKING MAYBE, she’s rationalizing. She’s not stupid. She god damn well knows that she should’ve gone with the hound, but she also knows that there’s not a lick of good that would come from her wallowing in thing that happened in

I know this is a heartfelt position on Chastain’s part but I must still note the deftness with which she folded in a plug for X Men Dark Phoenix into her denunciation. I’m not being sarcastic I am honestly impressed.

I was already wavering but this definitely broke my faith completely.

This a good and deep cut.

This is absolutely canon and anyone who says otherwise can fight me.

I’ve had just about enough of your Vassar bashing, young lady!

I was told there would be no math.

She said you were hung “like a pimple.”

Just to throw my geek hat in the ring, I’d have to agree with another comment that the Dark Phoenix Saga is about a million times better than Infinity Gauntlet. A billion times better. Gauntlet was just a big Marvel crossover event that, like all others, was an excuse to get a shit ton of disparate hero’s together with

Exactly, although the movie only borrows a few elements from the actual comic and makes a new story out of it. Still, they took what was just a weird story about a crazy purple guy trying to impress a girl that doesn’t like him and made a billion dollars out of it.

I don’t know, I think what Marvel has done is fairly unique. Warner Brothers, DC, and Lucasfilm have all tried to duplicate it, and it’s mostly not worked. Yes, people are responding to serialization, but the individual stories also have to be good.

Like the kind of onion you tied on your belt