
Honestly, don’t get the hubbub about beards. He, and Chris Evans (YEAH I SAID IT!) looks hotter without it. Some men can pull it off and be hotter, but not always the case...

Yeah, i don’t understand this at all. He’s been beardless many times

Can we start a campaign to get rid of the plastic AND all the beards? Any man under 30 growing a big bushy old man beard is akin to a 9-year-old girl playing dress-up. Beards are a cheap, ugly fad, like hot pants.

Because I think you meant Willy Nelson.

Rickon is lesser Stark.

Doctor Strange is lesser MCU, which is appropriate, since Doctor Strange is lesser Stark.

Fuck that noise. Theon hasn’t earned that kind of hero’s journey conclusion.

the night king’s army crushes the north, which makes jon + dany + small contingent retreat to iron islands which is now under the control of Yara. The army of the dead marches to king’s landing, killing Cersei. Jon and Dany attack from behind. Dany and one of her dragons are killed. A mortally wounded Theon kills the

Uh, excuse me, my Christian Cinema reviews have covered an enormous gamut of grades from D- to C-.

I don’t know, good question. But I do know that I’d rather watch Topher Grace’s Venom in every movie I see, regardless of genre, for an entire year than watch him play a “hip” pastor in an “Isn’t God Awesome!?!!!one!” movie just once.

Oh snap

I think Mike Colter has been typecast, as him saying “Sweet Christmas!” in this would have been totally acceptable. 

Might that not be because these faith-based movies have a habit of following the same formula? If one would put storytelling above pandering, it might get a different review.

Chrissy Metz gotta eat.

but there’s barely a moment of real hesitation

I see how you straight up forgot Gunn.

Guardians has some truly great visuals. Particularly the opening credits.

With enough time and booze, Rhodey’s story might have impressed an actual Avenger.

Yup. “Ultron Unlimited” was such a good story arc. I really, really, REALLY wanted Thor to say “Ultron. We would have words with thee.” in this flick.

I don’t recall Ultron having his eye on any coastal real estate!

(part of what makes Bronn such a compelling character is the realization he could go either way)