
$5 on Kinja ruining everything.

The monarchy will be overthrown. Westeros will become an anarcho-syndicalist commune with the leader of each great house taking turns as sort of an executive officer. All the decisions of that officer must be ratified by a council of representatives from each house by a simple majority in the case of purely internal

I was rewatching this one the other day, and it’s really not that bad. It’s “MCU-bad”, which means it’s still pretty good. (There’s only one “bad” movie in the MCU, really, and this isn’t it.)

This exchange made me very happy, thank you all.

“The way I looked at it was, when the sept burned down, that was green fire, and so then the dragon is going to have some kind of blueish fire,” he said. “It’s certainly still fire — it has the ability to burn the Wall and melt snow. But it’s going to have a different kind of magical quality to it, because it’s coming


They got them at Hardhome Depot, of course.

I’ve got my problems with Season 7, but the loot train attack is probably the best set-piece the show has ever done.

Find someone who looks at you like this. Love Goals <3

Just rewatched this last night.

Lets not bury the lead on this, that Night King would easily destroy world records at any Olympics. Also, they should just let Tormund and Brienne have viking babies.

It’s the Hound’s curmudgeonly nature that brings on the third wave of fighting, after his idle rock-throwing accidentally proves that the lake is frozen enough to advance.”

kill yourself

kill yourself

kill yourself

It reminds me of when the Lord of the Rings movies came out. The punchline of plenty of jokes were that Sam and Frodo are gay, which would have been fine, but other than the fact it’s offensive (calling them gay was usually not in a positive context), it misses the mark entirely.

In fairness, it’s going to be pretty impossible to have a lesbian/bi superhero without them being strong.

C-O-P, O-U-T, M-O-U-S-E!

Funny, Black Widow didn’t seem broken at all in Avengers. First, she’s in complete control while her victims think she’s the one their interrogating. Next she approaches Bruce Banner with nothing but a gun. She gets Loki to spill the beans on his plan. She gets Hawkeye to snap out of his trance by beating the snot out

It was this one. The theater came unglued on opening night when he was revealed.