
“ I very much enjoyed the original, despite some really glaring flaws and tonal issues, but the sequel was an all-around disaster.”

And leans into Keaton’s best ability as an actor; when he’s saying one thing but you can see the wheels are turning inside his head.

The car ride with him slowly figuring out Peter is Spider-Man—and Peter realizing he’s realizing—all with Liz not knowing what she’s giving away, is the best scene in the movie.


See...those are all reasons why I think WWI was an inspired setting for the movie.

As much as I love Holland as Spiderman, my love of Spiderverse may mean that its my absolute favorite Spiderman movie and probably up there with only Dark Knight and Logan as the best comic book movies. Man, that movie is just amazing.

Ezra Miller is decent actor, but he is not Barry Allen. Huge swing and a miss.

The late Kevin Smith (the other one!) was a superior Ares, I agree

Same with Affleck. I think all of their hero casting except Ezra Miller has been pretty good, but the writing and direction failed this city.

Thor: Ragnorak is my favorite superhero movie of the year personally. It’s so damn impressive that in one movie, Taiki took the blandest, least interesting hero in the MCU and made him the best part of it. Of all of the original Avengers, Thor is the one I most want to see stick around for more movies in Phase 4. I

Ares, the epic Greek god of war, as a middle-aged British man with a silly 1910s mustache

Entirely stripped from the horrible context, “Kaiser Kong” does sound like a guy that Gorilla Grodd would run into from time to time.

I wanna give Cavill a shot at playing Superman in a good movie. I think he’d be fine.

I’m absolutely certain the only reason the didn’t set it during WW2 was to avoid Captain America comparisons.

I thought the WWI setting mostly worked, because of its well-earned reputation as a horrifyingly pointless and devastating war. It makes it the perfect counterpoint for Wonder Woman’s absurd good humor and love and all that sweet stuff.

He’s an interesting guy. I was reading about him the other day, and it was in between the lines, but the Wikipedia article on him seemed to be saying: this guy fucks.

That means we’ll get to learn the origin story of Man-At-Arms’s gay-porn mustache.

Couldn’t have said it better myself. I’m a Marvel fan that is very interested with what DC puts out. I wanted Justice League to be good. Once DC ups it’s game - it will make all comic book movies better. I’m interested in seeing how this plays out over the next decade or so. Once we get Avengers vs X-Men, Marvel vs DC

1) Justice League isn’t a Snyder movie

Iron Man and Iron Man 3 are both good movies.