
To be fair, Gilbert’s 9/11 joke was 17 years ago.

Holy shit this comment is underrated

I mean, every movie I’ve been to the past few months (which hasn’t been much) has had a trailer for this movie.

The reports do not lay nearly enough blame on Disney falling for it. That pause with re-hiring was clearly to save face.

Yeah, but that twist ending, though. Made my day.

It was only a matter of time. You can’t see Gunn do the first movie without expecting him to pop back up in the third.

Yes, Mr. Goldblum, it certainly does. 

I’m gonna indulge in their tears for the afternoon then happily go back to never thinking about them ever again.

So after all of this, we’re getting two James Gunn comic book movies?

Man the twitter trolls are having a seriously bad week. James Gunn their biggest scalp is back in the Directors Chair of Guardian 3 and Captain Marvel blew away the competition.

Presumably, Dave Bautista is very, very happy somewhere out there.

Yeah, we know. It’s because they recast Robin Williams with a black actor. Zombie Robin Williams or GTFO!

I’d watch a movie about a young Ororo growing up and discovering her powers and being worshiped as a goddess and have it end with, “Hello, my name is Charles Xavier.”   A solo Storm movie without the rest of the X-Men is just going to be Storm v. Global Warming Deniers.

He has a cool power but he was peak Chris Claremont Is Lost Up His Own Ass

I don’t really get the hype with Cole Sprouse. He seems like the most generic, safe version of “Hollywood edge” I can imagine. He’s also taken one of the most genuinely fun and creative comic book characters (Jughead) and made him dull as hell.

Man the ride was good while it lasted. Saw a lot of movies with this baby. 

This might be the only time when a company committed fraud, lied about pricing, and tried to sustain an unsustainable business model - and I got like 15 free movies out of it. RIP Moviepass, you will be missed by cheap basterds like me.

Ah, well. I will look back fondly on the glorious year when I was able to pay $10 a month and see any movie, at any theater, at any time.

“In Lord of the Rings, they often flew around harmlessly and just appeared as part of the landscape, unless required to do harm by virtue of having their name in the title.”

I’m going to have to rewatch (Avengers?) again because I swear I remember Fury telling (Cap?) that Howard Stark found the Tesseract at the bottom of the ocean while searching for Cap.