
She obviously hasn’t seen “The Godfather Part II.”

I’m glad I’m not the only one confused as hell by that cat. Also, someone is going to need to sit me down and explain to me just how the Tesseract went from the bottom of the ocean to Mar-Vell’s space station to Fury’s desk; if there was a line in there about S.H.I.E.L.D. giving the cube to Mar-Vell for research

The real question here is why the fuck is Stan Lee making a cameo in a movie about a character created by Roy Thomas and Gene Colan.

I hear most of it was used on the cat. Little orange fucker got PAID.

this might have been my favourite cameo by Stan the Man, the fact that it’s referencing another cameo had me laughing out loud in the theatre.

Let’s say you hire Nicolas Cage, for example. To play Superman. Is Nicolas Cage a bad actor? Don’t say “sometimes”. No he’s not a bad actor. Is there a universe where he delivers a Superman people will want to see? Sure. Not this universe.

I reserve the right to make up my own mind about this movie, regardless of online impressions. I still plan to go watch it as I have yet to be disappointed by a MCU film.