
I’m sure newly-cast-in-a-huge-budgeted-Marvel-movie actor Ma Dong-seok will give your concerns due consideration.

The Eternals aren’t really a thing in modern Marvel comics, as they were mainly used for weird Jack Kirby space stuff back in the day, so it’s unusual for Marvel to assume that the millions of people who go see these MCU movies are ready for something that may or may not have any concrete connection to the

To quote Cleetus: “What time, and how naked?”

It’s a matter of record - that is, it’s literally recorded - that Jon is not a bastard. Word might never get properly disseminated to the peasants, but the few Great Lords that remain would acknowledge Jon’s claim to the throne...exclusing Cersei, of course.

There’s undoubtedly a small self-serving aspect in her decision to confront the Night King’s army, but she clearly was rattled at seeing them first-hand, and declared her intention to fight them even before Jon bent the knee. Nothing about her character suggests she’d be fine letting the dead ravage the country as

I don’t know; it only took Dr. Strange about six months to become Earth’s Sorcerer Supreme, so apparently, mystical shit is way easier than we’re led to believe.

Yeah, Bran is over Jamie.

It WAS a bit obvious when Jon said, “You’re softer than snow, m’lady.”

I wasn’t actually sure Theon had his balls cut off as well until that fight on the beach, where he got kneed in the crotch and just smiled. It would have been just like Ramsey to leave him his balls, and therefore, much of his sexual urges, while denying him release for them.

The biggest betrayal this season will obviously come from Tyrion. I mean, everyone KNOWS that, right? He found out Cersei was pregnant, and that completely changed the game for him. He made a deal with her to convince her to send her armies North, and even though she will break her word, he won’t. He will kill Dani or

Disappointed by Missing Link’s performance, but not surprised: the trailer makes it look awful, and the characters are ugly as sin. I only saw it because I was such a huge fan of Kubo and the Two Strings, and I’m glad I did (see it). It’s nowhere near as good as Kubo, but I found it delightful. Hugh Jackman is


It does not surprise me in the slightest that this trailer ran heavily on FOX News.

I have seen the trailer for this movie more times than I care to recall. I can’t begin to tell you how happy I am that it’s finally coming out, and I’ll never have to see it again. All I can think about when I watch this abominable trailer are the parents who have lost children, and this asshole movie telling them

“Did you really need to bend the knee (surely an alliance could’ve eventually happened without subservience, she presumably thinks), or did you want to for love?”

I’m glad they didn’t draw out the reveal of Jon’s parentage too long (to Jon, anyway), but it still felt anti-climactic. Up until the last minute, I thought they’d use Dani’s killing Sam’s father and brother* in some convoluted way for Sam to justify not telling the truth, but even when he actually did it, it was kind

I could argue each of these points (though I’d concede that the Wanda/Vision one is fair), but I think it’s largely a question of how well you think the movie sold these moments in relation to what has gone before, which is a little too subjective to build a consensus on. But I find it hard to believe that anyone

Given the irrational hate-on for this movie - and, in particular, this scene - that the AV Club has always had, there was no way it wasn’t going to be the one they chose.

As a dark reflection of Tony Stark’s psyche, I thought he was characterized perfectly.

Jesse, your refusal to acknowledge the Peter/Tony, Quill/Gamora. Gamora/Thanos, Thor/Rocket, and Wanda/Vision beats in this film reminds me that you are the AV Club’s Chilly, the Elf Who Cannot Love.