He said something to the effect of “if you want to be a hero in the bedroom, make sure to take care of HER O.”
He said something to the effect of “if you want to be a hero in the bedroom, make sure to take care of HER O.”
Nope. And I know that because the lady in the picture is smiling!
They’re both really just phoning it in right now.
Remember, he gave the “Hero” sex advice on a recent Tweet Beat.
You’ve got to realize that the average age of the Declaration/Constitution signers was right around 40, but a good dozen or so were in their early 30s or younger. I don’t know if that points to them being able to hold their liquor better or what, but it’s pretty interesting to think that our country was founded by a…
And he’s a former makeup artist too! For shame.
But I don’t have an Aunt Norma! I have several well-meaning friends who keep trying to set me up with closeted gay men or middle aged divorced fathers.
This would be a site I’d need!
Yeah, they have crisp apple and green apple, but I’ve only had Angry Orchard apple. That’s good too.
Redd’s is a Wisconsin company, and it’s widely available throughout most of the Midwest—I’m not sure about other areas though. If you check out their website you can see where the ales are available. Good luck!
I didn’t understand Daya’s thinking either. It’s like she wanted some big grand gesture (like Pornstache) rather than stability. However, learning more about her background this season, I can see that she would want a declaration of love. She never got it from Aleida.
It is really good! It’s the Redd’s brand. They’ve got some other flavors too I think.
Healy needs to get called on the shit he is pulling (get the new counselor in trouble, seriously bungling So So’s treatment, etc.).
I was wondering what the deal was with Bennet too. Some commenters on an earlier post thought he ditched the crib to show that his baby would have a different upbringing that Daya. I hope that’s the case and that he’ll be back.
Oh Jezzies, I know no one is going to see this because I am a permanent gray fixture, but I had an awesome week! The great news of ACA and gay marriage, the weather has been gorgeous, I am doing well in my summer courses, I got a lot done with my house reno, AND I think I’m caught up on sleep now!
I was wondering the same thing.
YES to the feeling of life seeming pointless after graduation. I remember thinking, “WTF am I doing sitting in this office, writing stupid shit? I am supposed to be out changing the world! WHY WHY WHY??!!!”
The Wonder Years are on Netflix!
I heard that the actress who played Nicky is going to be on a new show next year, so I don’t think she’ll be back. :(
I’m in a similar situation (enough with the baby pics, Facebook friends), but it’s not all bad. I am just over the other side of 30, and this was probably my best year. I found that I have more body acceptance as I get older. I just bought a house, so I’m learning to fix things and get crafty with decorating, and I’m…