it’s hilarious. and all the people there seem to be sweating in very expensive clothing. does not sound like my idea of a good time.
it’s hilarious. and all the people there seem to be sweating in very expensive clothing. does not sound like my idea of a good time.
Jill Soloway is the creator of Transparent, an awesome show on Amazon.
hey neighbor!
iz ok I do it too
they might be onto something there. I just need someone to clean them up because my dog finds them and eats them. my partner and I tidy up after but there’s always the ONE wrapped tossed in the throes of passion that ends up getting pooped out by my terrier.
theoretically it’s never going to get as expensive as the suburb-y towns of NYC LA or SF, so I encourage hipstery-ness in smaller towns with no cool large city nearby (might be wrong bc again not from there but Dallas is like the worst, right?) got to spread around those hipsters and at least they vote blue.
but he gets to live in williamsburggggg
can they at least clean up the condom wrappers for us too
ah, you also learned the lesson of NEVER JOKING ABOUT SCIENTOLOGY IN LA. unless you’re with close friends and cannot be overhead, of course.
I had to look it up as I’m from nowhere near there, but seems like it’d be a good hip town to level off the shittiness of Dallas? Right?
ah, yes, Gwyneth Paltrow, a true punk. Definitely see her a young person with a blue mohawk, ripped clothes with patches, drinking 40s in front of the local crustmetal hall.
gah, I hate to rain on this lovely idea, but I live in Hollywood. There are Scientology buildings every other block for miles, the massive blue one by the hospital, and the celebrity center on Franklin. The creepy converts in suits handing out pamphlets to lure unsuspecting tourists to the “L. Ron Hubbard Museum”. The…
YAY ROBOTS, I only want one that can do this, you can keep the sexy bits.
?? do all news articles strike a nerve in their authors?
probably the latter, most Italians would understand what #fertilityday means, whereas most of the people who live outside Italy cannot understand the rest of it.
the Netherlands.
robots are our saviors! think of everything they can do.