
I kinda think he still looks hot.

jfc cause you personally welcomed the Syrians into your town. I’m willing to bet you had little to nothing to do with it. I don’t blame all people in other countries when someone/some people in that country do bad things. maybe don’t do that to the 300 million people who live in the US?

am I the only one who actually really likes Dolores and William and finds it romantic?

I’m holding out for one that looks like Jimmi Simpson. Where has he/William been all my life? 100% convinced he’s the perfect man for me, psychotic break or no.

this happened to me with Craigslist, I still don’t know why they blocked it but I complained to IT right away and they unblocked it.

he didn’t beat me, either, or the other 65 mil majority of the voters or whatever the count is up to now. actually I think the only people he will really “beat” will be his supporters when they get nothing they wanted and lose things they need.

thank you, this is a really good point and one I’m working on myself—not letting my instant reaction be of liberal anger/disgust, as I know exactly how that looks to the other side and acting that way has gotten us...well, here. so I may as well try something different.

he’s sounds smart, how did he slip by?

can’t do group therapy, but one on one you get used to, you just have zero relationship with your therapist outside of the small room where you sob about your childhood and how you’ll be single forever to someone who is essentially a stranger (but a stranger with a good heart, a good education, and lots of practice

exactly. I think enough of us can agree Donald Trump is not fit for the office. the GOP needs to put up a suitable alternative though.

hey we’re supposed to be following our Constitution, right? If the electors flip their votes and elect someone actually fit for the job, maybe a moderate Republican (cause you know they’d never elect Hillary, that ship has unfortunately :( sailed)...they could change the outcome. Emphasis on *could*.

seriously, I want to post every Neo Nazi conference and hate crime that’s come out as a result of this shitshow and say “this is definitely preferable to a woman who deleted emails”

thought he was only living there part time? and melania not at all?

hahahah. that fucker would never win California, ever, never, ever. you actually live in the US? people on the left are getting organized and getting busy. your statement may have been true ten years ago, but not after 8 years of Obama. we’re not going backwards, no way, no how.

yah both my brothers are vets and voted for Johnson. they may be rank and file, but they’re not stupid* and they’re patriots, not nationalists.

cool, good for you. so glad you’ve got it all figured out *rolls eyes*

I’ve had this problem my whole life (inherited it, I guess, from my weepy grandmother). My therapist recently suggested it’s something like “emotional cutting”. Instead of physically harming ourselves, I “cut” by feeling the immense pain and sadness that comes with...well...many, many things these days. Thinking about

there is too much clapping in that video for me to feel comfortable.

wow, a week, such a long time...he hasn’t even taken office yet. get back to me in a year.