
virgin mother whore?

they shot that ill-fated season of Jersey Shore in Florence when I was living there! I saw those doofuses on the Ponte Vecchio.

I love the affirmative io in Italian. gorgeous language.

Italy is just way behind the US in terms of accepting and being used to a mix of people. Most of Europe is, but Italy in particular. They didn’t really have immigration there until the 70s, whereas the US has always been a country of immigrants. We take that for granted here, even with the shameful 40-50 million

you really don’t know whose quote that is?

sigh. northern italy.

masturbation was decriminalized, basically. that’s fine. As long as he’s not exposing himself to anyone, I could give two shits if some guy needs to wank off so badly he does it somewhere public.

weed is 100% NOT legal in italy

internet commenters love to point out typos. I don’t think it’s a big deal personally, because the internet, unlike earlier print forms, can be updated with the press of a few buttons.

this is why I come here. thank you.

yes, this is important. it’s not just about placing the burden of childcare squarely on the woman and her having to give up her career, but also that if women have the babies and gtfo, it can go back to being a boy’s club.

they sure do! also this really rad double standard where men are almost expected to cheat on their wives, but the women are shamed, beaten or killed if they do.

no, we still have sexy bits for men to stick things into

“Beauty has no age limit. Fertility does,” is the sort of sentiment an aged aunt peddles to you over stuffed mushrooms and wine at Thanksgiving, before looking pointedly at your stomach and then your left ring finger, both conspicuously empty.

needz moar starz


build a bridge and get over it


yes, I understand where he’s coming from with that logic, except California is on track to have a massive budget surplus. Like, billions, enough that 20$ mil is a drop in the bucket. Also, symbolically, this is huge.

yep. had to have this conversation with the boyf in Costco the other day.