current polling shows the measure will pass, but it’s not a wide margin. blows my mind. I thought CA was liberal? (and I live here)
women in Beverly Hills don’t bleed, they had their uterus surgically removed while getting plastic surgery
really loving your straight up pissed-off-ness in this thread. I’m in LA but I agree with you on Cali turning purple. Anyone can drive up the 5 and see it. There’s fucking signs that say “Trump will give us our water back”, for christ’s sakes, completely disregarding how that is IMPOSSIBLE. California is easily the…
shit this has totally happened to me, so god damn confusing
have you ever tried/heard of cbd dominant weed? way less thc and not very much cbd, but chills you out, and no paranoia.
I have done that sober
I think that (being able to laugh at yourself) is super important, if she didn’t seem to have a sense of humor and seem pretty chill, I doubt I’d like her very much at all.
gah, thank you for being able to not like her AND not need to shit all over her either! it’s like you’re a reasonable person, a thing scarcely seen in the wild wild west internets.
you’re right, I just don’t like vape pens :/ so that rules them out. they don’t work on me, it’s really weird. maybe I need a new battery or something.
yeah, it’s not like she’s out killing kittens or something. she wrote a few books. I think two of them are good. I follow her on FB because I like silly flurry aphorisms sometimes. I don’t go around shitting on Chuck Klosterman just because I don’t like his stuff and think he’s pretentious. There’s no need. But…
interesting. so this has clearly been brewing for a while.
I think you’re right, it seems like they have been friends a very long time. I’m happy for her, I suppose, though it is awfully tragic. Positive vibes to Elias.
it was! she wrote a book about it called Committed where she investigated the ritual of marriage in different societies. I liked it, I liked Eat Pray Love (though its been six years since I read it so maybe not anymore). But, I’m a middle class white lady who does yoga and drives a Prius. So.
there was just a thing on NPR about how to test for stoned drivers in Colorado. it’s tricky, because unlike alcohol, thc is stored in your fat and stays in the system much longer. plus, the effects are harder to measure. traditional walk the line doesn’t work. maybe they can do some combo of glassy/red/droopy eyes,…
most embarrassing, hmm. I don’t have a lot of embarrassing stories, just maybe dumb ones. almost dying? does that count?
driving while high is pretty stupid, I agree. I’ve not only driven while stoned, but smoked while driving, which is doubly stupid because you’re distracted trying to light the bowl. Being under the influence is like fiddling with your phone or being really tired—it’s going to make you a shitty driver. I definitely…
this makes me sad
so, you’re disavowing your own words? did the NSA find you?