
I believe that john, or paul, or both, referred to him as “the best backbeat in the business.”

my drummer friends call Ringo the human metronome.

The fills on Strawberry Fields Forever are pretty clever, and easy to overlook if you aren’t a drummer. I mean, think about it, imagine if Buddy Rich or Neil Pert had been the drummer for The Beatles. They would’ve sucked.

Really, I’m just glad that everyone in Maine finally wised to her game. It wasn’t that she was ever actually independent or reasonable. She is, and always has been, a pretty by-the-numbers Chamber of Commerce Republican. It’s just that she would sometimes toss her vote away on votes that were broadly small-l

I like to think he's playing the same bank manager in that and The Ballad of Buster Scruggs.

I find that it shows me small bakeries higher on the list of I use the ”doughnuts” spelling.

I know! and it makes you realize just how many there are. No one needs this many Dunkins! And I have to drive around one of them in the morning because there’s a traffic jam of people waiting in the drive thru every morning., and people willing to just sit in the road with their blinker on until they can get their

If the worst thing rich people did with their money was own hobby farms, we’d be in a much better world. I’m more worried about what else Pratt throws his money at based on his religious views.

Half his age plus 7, check. 

You know who agrees with you?

My hot take: current jezebel writers got soooooo excited that a current relevant show made an unattributed reference to a decade old jez article that they had to find a way to write about it. but they couldn’t help underlining the reason why this website used to be relevant and no longer is--mistaking real social

Given Tesla’s quality control issues, I’m assuming this was merely an opportunity for Musk to disappoint two women at once.

keep crying

The fetish is for the a white male audience. Data shows us (in dating apps, etc.) that white women are more likely to be discriminatory against black men rather than be wracked by BBC fantasies.

Yeah, and what’s behind her color-blocked lettering “Best thing ever” ?? Clearly there was even more written there that she chose to specifically conceal.

Jezebel is just not reading the situation at all anymore

If Jezebel continues with this bullshit for the remainder of the election, then I'm done with this website for good.

You know, I can understand how, at first glance, the NYT piece can read as classist.

“For months, journalists have worked to corroborate Tara Reade’s allegation that she was sexually assaulted by Joe Biden in 1993. Much of that reporting has focused on the particulars of the allegation: journalists have interviewed 74 former Biden staffers and dug up tape appearing to show Reade’s mother calling into