
Whatever magic glue holds Kanye West’s and Kim Kardashian’s marriage together...

One of those high-profile men being Gavin Newsom.

There is always another greedy, amoral billionaire(s) ready to fill the void. Crapulence abhors a vacuum.

His fills on “Come Together” are also deceptively complex. The opening does me head in.

In the end I believe the Koch Bros will come to McConnell’s rescue and pump a fuck ton of cash into his campaign so he can eek out a win. After all, he’s been their best, most reliable whore, not only willing, but eager to do things that the other whores just won’t do. They’re not gonna kick him to the curb just yet.

Hey, Ringo was a far more nuanced drummer than people give him credit for.  Very hard to reproduce his drumming tracks.

And the smell. My god, the smell.

Isn’t it a factor of artificial insemination and being unwilling to flush the other viable embryos, so they bring all of them to term?

I work with a guy who has nine kids, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they have more. I just don’t get it.

Much as I would love to see the last of Susan Collins as a Senator (though should she lose no doubt she will become a professional concern troll on Fox), I found seeing the words “Susan Collins” “getting” “fucked” all in one sentence made me queasy.

Seems like you omitted what appears to be a major plot point about Perry and Pete discovering the skyway between the scene of the crime and the BPOE lodge, which happens to be the lodge the killer cop belongs to.

he’s actually the great great grandfather of the Seinfeld bank manager. It’s the family business.

Stephen Root is one of those character actors who can morph into any role - whether socially inept Milton in Office Space, wealthy owner Jimmy James in News Radio, a campaign manger in West Wing, or the several roles he’s played in Coen Bros films. Straight man, funny man, good, evil - he does them all convincingly.

I believe “Amber Turd” is also the nickname of Donald Trump.

So Sarah is saying she does not staahhhhhhhnd with Lea Michele?

And in Apollo 13 they land in the ocean (spoiler alert).

Lizzie Caplan’s character was the low point of that season. An American in the French Resistance who doesn’t seem to speak a word of French.  Yeah, OK.

I think when they were more a local/regional chain the quality of the donuts were better.  Once they were bought by The Carlyle Group and went national, their quality suffered.

Hmm, sadly that does not seem to work for me. I tried both the Google and Apple maps.

It’s also very annoying that when you search for “Donuts” on any map app, the only shops that come up are Dunkin’ (obscuring any local places). I mean, Dunkin’ is OK in a pinch, but I’m always more interested in what the local bakeries have to offer.