
Where did you hear that “more than half” of men over 40 have “extensive” hair loss?

Chris Pine hasn’t been cancelled yet, AFAIK.

The reason he went blackface is precisely because he was dating Whoopi at the time and the entertainment press were making snide comments about it. He was attempting to make a statement about celebrity interracial dating that backfired spectacularly.

I dunno. I find this scrubbing of a show’s history a bit bullshitty. There’s a lot of sexist/homophobic jokes in shows like Cheers (or more recently How I Met Your Mother) that would never get into a show today but were a product of their times (even if those times were just 10 years ago). Just let the past reflect

I wonder if the writers went with what they knew (i.e., there are a number of pedophiles in comedy), or decided to screw with d’Elia by casting him as the role of pedophile comedian, knowing his predilections.

He uses lawsuits to drag out the process in the courts as long as possible - long enough for example, until after the election. It’s not so much that he wants the money (although that’s certainly part of it being the avaricious bastard that he is), it’s that he wants to control how and when the damaging/embarrassing

roasted asparagus with salt, pepper and olive oil is also quite good.

Does Kayne strike you as the kind of guy who eats at the Y?

short for baba booeys

Sounds like a Tears for Fears lyric

Consider who owns Jezebel these days - a private equity firm, who’s partners would much prefer a second Trump term to a Biden presidency. Follow the money.

Yep.  Jezebel has chosen Tara Reade as their hill to die on it seems.

whoa! I mean, nice, but...whoa!

He has the little boy lost appeal to him that certain women find irresistible. Add to that his father dying on 9/11 when he was 7 years old and he becomes a fuck magnet.

His documentary on Gary Shandling was 4 fucking hours. 

Now where’d you get 240 dollars?

Not so much flopped as CBS refused to air anything. There was some back and forth and they finally allowed them to do a one-hour (or was it 90 minutes?) farewell special that had the premise they had been on for 20 years and this was their fond farewell. There was zero promotion of the show and I just happened to

If any Republican senator or congressperson wants to get some free media attention, they just have to announce that they are “concerned” with Trump’s recent tweets on race/China/immigration/other. The media will fall all over themselves to grab an opportunity to both-sides a story.

Yet he is currently running for re-election for his Senate seat unopposed.

Hey, that 5th house in the south of France isn’t gonna pay for itself!