
At this point, whenever you see an article by Esther Wang, just roll your eyes and go on to the next one.

LOL. “I love Joe Biden dearly, BUT...”

Especially not Esther - she is so objective when it comes to Joe Biden.

One thing I loved about this show (among other things) was that it showed the straight line between Reagan’s expedient embrace of the religious right leading to the evolution of the current GOP. Amazing to think that there were significant factions of the GOP that were pro-choice and pro-ERA, while still being fiscal

I think Gloria may be a little ticked at the show because it portrays her as a bit of a dilettante compared to the other pro-ERA women - at least until the final episode.

Does this dress make me look fat?

At one point did the creator of that doll think, “oh shit, what have I done?” Because that is one ugly ass baby.

That’s a fair cop.

At this point, any “mortal remains” have long been turned into dust and scattered across miles of the ocean floor. They’ve already taken dishes and various personal artifacts from the Titanic, so why is the telegraph considered sacred?

Huh.  The more you know.  Thanks

It was shitty for evangelicals to bribe her, but also shitty of her to accept it, considering the consequences.

Yeah, does her back tat say “We will all laugh and gilded butterflies”? And if so, wut?

Never interrupt your enemy when he’s making a mistake”

Just unsubscribe.


Agreed. I gave up on the show after the third episode where Archie Punjabi shows up in a ridiculous “meet-cute” setup and for some reason Ruby decides to tell her entire adventure to a complete stranger. That’s the kind of shit that mediocre screenplays do.

Also air pollution is way down, along with car accidents.  Maybe we can expand WFH options for more workers so both don’t go back to pre-COVID-19 levels.

Speaking as a guy, I have to say I really like J Crew for casual knock-about clothing. I agree they tried to be too many things to too many people. Hope they can find their focus and emerge from this bankruptcy in some form.

The fact that Trump himself is not bringing it up directly says a lot IMO.  Even his reptilian brain realizes he’s playing with fire if he starts knocking on that door too loudly.

Feel free to take it and use it as often as possible. Conservatives have understood that for decades but for some reason liberals/progressives don’t.