
When the news popped up on my iPhone last night that RBG was hospitalized (again) my first reaction was “Shitshitshitshitshitshitshit! Nonononononono NO!” Fortunately, it appears to be a relatively minor thing and (please sweet baby Jebus) she will be back on her feet soon. But I find it stressful enough going through

Here’s the thing - I suspect for most readers of this “supposedly feminist website”, Joe Biden was not their first (or second, third or fourth) choice, but alas, we are a small sample size of the larger electorate who, through a democratic process, elected him to be the Democratic candidate in 2020, so here we are.

The whole thing is so wonderfully surreal. In the beginning when they walk into Kramer’s apartment they’re all like “WTF?”(as anyone would be). But then they’re all like, “OK, I guess this is what we’re doing now” and talk to each other as if they’re on a talk show with Kramer as the host.

Those were the days my friend. I’d thought they’d never end.

They’re all good shows.

A cookbook to get kids to eat vegetables (basically baking them into something they like).

That episode where Kramer discovers the old Merv Griffin set was just *chef’s kiss*

Seinfeld has become increasingly grating with his displays of contempt for the audience/humanity, coupled with his “I’m so rich IDGAF” personality. Larry David plays a curmudgeon, but in interviews he comes across as far more engaged and self-aware.  His trajectory reminds me of Jerry Lewis to a certain extent.

Actually, we’re all just raw-dogging it because LOL nothing matters

Man, if Rhea Seehorn doesn’t win an Emmy this time around, then the people who decide those things have their heads up their asses.

It is odd how Howard has become the “bad guy” for Kim and Jimmy for some reason. I mean, yeah, he’s been a pampered elite and all that, but he’s done nothing to warrant ending his career as a lawyer (and possibly ending HHM).

What really pisses me off about these privileged assholes bleating on about Biden not “earning” their vote (or worse, they’d rather vote for Trump) is that they treat their vote like a fucking elementary school valentine instead of a chess move.

I think basically the best thing he can do is stand aside and let AOC take over. She is the future of the progressive movement in this country.

Both Nevada and Iowa were caucus states, which inherently favored Sanders. And New Hampshire is next door to his Vermont, so no surprise there.

When your campaign’s slogan is “Not me, Us”, it’s a pretty good indication that you know you have a problem with outreach.

Yes, the NYT had a really illuminating article a few Sundays ago which highlighted how unwilling Bernie was to build a coalition or reach out to any Democrats beyond those in his inner circle. Even with AOC, Warren was courting her for months before Bernie even picked up the phone to talk to her.

During these extremely stressful times, the question on many people’s minds is “How much dick is Cardi B getting these days?”. Thank you for providing us with the answer.

Due to the finger incident?

Craig too can be cold blooded, at least in the first two films. In Casino Royale, he doesn’t particularly care that he gets that woman (the wife of the guy knifed) killed. And when M informs him of Le Chiffre, he responds “quick kill or send a message?”.

But who were those guys? Obviously not with the Salamancas (unless they are a rogue faction) and not with Gus.