
Hopefully during the debate Biden will indicate his openness to the green new deal,electoral college reform, college affordability, student debt policy, wealth tax, etc. to win over more progressive voters. Who he picks as his VP will also be critical as I really don’t see him serving two full terms. I don’t think he

Yes! Bernie did some magnificent work moving the Democratic party to the left over the past 4 years. Unfortunately he is not the right messenger for the message.

Exactly this. Even if you live in a deep blue or deep red state, voting in down ballot races is key. Local legislatures decide many of the issues that directly impact you and also the ability to make the changes you want to see.

He also has to face charges in LA.  So yeah, he ain’t seeing the outside ever again.

Hmm, The Expanse has elements of Class 2 and Class 5 I think

I mean, Mike Pence and Stephen Miller do masturbate to it regularly.

Michaels should have retired from SNL 5 years ago, but he’s such a money making machine for NBC, and so powerful in the industry, that no one is ever gonna tell him.

OK, this is technically correct but still a bit bullshitty. In 1995, Clinton was 49 and Monica was 22.  Yeah, still wrong for a variety of reasons, but the way you guys phrased it you make him sound like he’s James Woods.

I’ve noticed this “Biden has cognitive issues” meme starting to pop up more and more in my feeds recently. Can’t help but think there’s something nefarious going on behind the scenes. It reminds me a lot of the “is Hillary healthy” meme that was going around in 2016.

I was a strong Warren supporter, Bernie was my second choice up to the point where he basically pissed away Florida by doubling down on his Castro comments. Also, for all his talk of bringing younger voters, out, Super Tuesday proved otherwise. Plus, his supporters don’t exactly thrill me.

O’Donnell is not as far gone as Matthews, but he’s getting there. Should put him out to pasture while he’s still sentient.

He really was pretty worthless the last 10 years or so. Hopefully they’ll put someone younger in the role, and then start looking at O’Donnell and the whole Monring Joe crew.

Yeah. Tip O’Neill and Ted Kennedy made it comparatively easier for the Irish to come to the US. So he should be thanking the Democrats for her US existence.

Given that she was once married to Gavin Newsom, it’s pretty safe to say her end game is whatever gets her the most attention. If Trump loses, look for her to start dating Cory Booker next..or whomever get her back on stage.

They want to see snowflakes melting? If Trump loses there’s going to be so much crying from the MAGA chuds it will be as if the polar ice caps melted overnight.

Yeah they would, just not on this site.

Sounds like that Friends episode where the burglar convinced Joey to get in the stereo cabinet.

Speilberg distanced himself from Crystal Skull (and rightly so) saying it was “all George’s baby”. So I suspect the script for this one is even worse if he’s walking away from it entirely.

Try to catch up on some reading while you’re out there.