
The script in Conspiracy was based on actual notes taken during the Wannsee Conference it portrays. It was chilling because it was accurate - high level bureaucrats casually discussing the elimination of an entire race in a standard “strategic business workshop” atmosphere.

Yeah, there was no love lost between Warren and Bloomberg, and she let it be known.

Yeah, no Meghan. You’re just a daytime talkshow host with a bad sense of style. You’re more like the rodeo clown of the left.

Has she ever given a good review?

It’s Jezebel. If they’re not outraged at least once a day, they feel incomplete.

This post will go on

But in fairness to her, she was being hammered during the first two debates (while Bernie was not for some reason) as to how she was going to pay for M4A without raising taxes on the middle class. So she got together with her advisors and put forth a credible plan. The other plans were comparatively easy to put

She has always told us who she is and has laid out her plans in great detail, and she has not deviated from her messaging since she announced. So as far as I can tell, she’s always been pretty forthright.

I will vote blue no matter who of course. But I will always hold a grudge against those who brought this woman down because she dared to tell us the truth that M4A will not be done overnight and will cost a lot in both money and massive job displacements.

How about putting up her website so people can chip in a few bucks to her campaign?

Yep. We shall not see his like again.

Exactly. We are unable to forget Chinatown in the same way we are unable to forget Casablanca. They are both easily accessible timeless classics.

Catholicism is big on the whole Madonna/Whore complex.

I recall a few years ago hearing about some trailer park brawl between a father and son because the son was sleeping with his stepmom. Maybe that gave the porn industry some ideas.

Yeah, what’s up with that flex lately?

Would it help if you remember her instead as DiCaprio’s first wife in The Wolf of Wall Street?

Maybe, but the guy really can act when he wants to.  I really would like to see him in some supporting role in a Tarantino film (or something along those lines).

Don’t forget the incels who masturbate to her.

Gabbard’s support is overwhelmingly from the right wing.  So if anything she will hurt Trump more than help him.