
Yeah, but you gotta figure that the folks who are attending a World Series game are reasonably affluent, especially in the suite sections where Trump was. And as they announced the death of the ISIS leader that morning (with Trump personally performing the five finger exploding heart technique on the guy), maybe he

Looking forward to the follow up Jezebel article, There’s definitely something up with Scarlett Johansson’s pussy

We’re talking about a guy who texted a request for steroids. Not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed.

I’m sure he liked Batman Begins as well, if not the entire Nolan trilogy

While I agree with Coppola’s definition of what cinema should be, describing these movies as despicable” is a bit extreme - it’s not like they are promoting racism or anything of the like (if anything they have a pro-inclusion, anti-authoritarian bent).

The sight of them still playing these characters in middle age is unintentionally sad. So is the realization that it’s been more than two decades since Smith stopped maturing as a filmmaker; his staging, pacing, and use of music remain amateurish.

I honestly believe he does that so that the wrinkles around his eyes don’t show.

All artists reach the peak of their careers at some point. But Smith reached his pretty much after his first film.

Exactly this. It felt very much like a teenager’s view of Catholicism/spiritual philosophy...except that Smith was 29 when he created Dogma

Possibly because she was the widow of a much-beloved and mythologized president, and she literally saw his brains blown out in front of her.

True, but he did get a PhD in education, and I think he listed himself as “Doctor” within the context of the education profession. So I think it was legit.

A producer is a legitimate job that requires real work (out of all the producers you see listed, some are really doing the heavy lifting). The academy just wanted to make sure those who are in the category actually deserve to be there.

Phew! I was hesitant to post about it initially but I’m glad I did! So happy that I’m not the only one who finds her annoying

Remember when she freely admitted to sexually harassing her co-stars?

that’s how they get you

It’s been an issue for years that anybody with any pull insists upon producing credit for their movie/tv show as it’s one more paycheck (and a cut at the residuals). So I can fully believe the Academy was asking for justification from not just her.

Hmm - looks like he did it in Insurrection, but brought it back for Nemesis.

And El Camino pretty much torpedoes MacDonald’s theory. As it’s Walt’s arrival that effectively allows Jesse to escape from the Nazis.

I doubt it, seeing that Dean Norris and Steven Michael Quezada are both reading comments and their characters are both (spoiler alert) dead by the time El Camino is taking place