Tully is the one that does it for me. Every time I see her caught in a “certain death” situation, I hope and pray the writers go through with it. But alas, not yet.
When did he ever lose it (after Season 1)?
She really is living rent free in your collective heads, Jezzies
My nephew was named “Franklin” and he was born in 2006.
I think the difference only becomes evident when you’re making some significant, like lasagna. The home made pasta used in lasagna tastes noticeably better than any store bought version.
Is Bartolo Colon still pitching somewhere? If not, then Wilson Ramos for sure.
And the reason Javank are bad people in her eyes? They crashed her father’s funeral. Not for all the other shit they’re doing - but for doing something that affected her personally. What a beautifully typical Republican response.
Plus it would have been in all the media outlets the next day for sure.
“ living personification of a track fire on the Long Island Railroad Sean Hannity”
“Mate” is the UK thing.
“Cousin” is one I’ve been using lately. Especially if I want to empathize with what they just said (“I know what you mean, cousin”) or emphasis a point (“Cousin, [insert emphatic point here]”)
Cinemax *pulls on cigarette, exhales* Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time...a long time.
But what if you’re not into the whole brevity thing?
$50 Don Jr is the GOP nominee for NYC Mayor, possibly as early as 2021.
So now that you know you could probably bang him if you wanted to, he’s become less bangable to you.
Fair point.
And the worst thing about these books is that shallow fuckwits at work will read them and pepper conference calls with this contrarian bullshit. “Just asking questions”, yeah, here’s a question: “Do you offer anything of value to this conversation whatsoever? Nevermind answering motherfucker, we all know the answer.”
Wouldn’t the Bears be more Kielbasa Shoulder?
While we’re on the topic of Chrises, Chris Pine in Come Hell or High Water was a revelation. A REVELATION I SAY!