
The MLB has always been its own worst enemy. Those ridiculous “Players Weekend” uniforms were a textbook example. Who on Earth thought those were a good idea? Judging by the reaction of actual players and coaches, that idea was clearly not vetted with anyone outside of the MLB offices.

Yup. DeBeers has a monopoly on diamonds and has complete control on their distribution and sets their price. They also started the whole marketing campaign about them in the 1920s to drive up the demand for them. They are wiley bastards.

Never trusted that guy.

Came here for this. Thank you.

He’s not here to cause no trouble...

I think it’s the restaurant food, uber charges, and use of frequent flyer miles that’s the larger issue

Well, they had a scene together in Taxi Driver.

How you doin’?

All boobs matter!

Four years later, Star Wars fan still hasn’t gotten laid.

AKSHULLY, the ball went to left field.

Cool story, Queef

Gotta wonder about how guys with a serious foot fetish cope with the summer.  All those strappy sandals and well manicured feet just walking around? Must be unbearable.

A few years back Gawker published an e-mail from some chick who had a one night stand with Tarantino. He basically jerked off while sucking her toes.

Bad enough that Amy Sherman Palladino* has atrocious blindspots about her central characters; but now she’s totally clueless about the impact of lowering prices to 1959 levels?

Guy didn’t even flinch.  Just went back to chatting and drinking his pint.

Concur. My ancestry is from the north, and every once in awhile when I mention to a Sicilian that I’m Italian, they’ll say something like “oh, but you’re not a *real* Italian”. This is particularly true if they are from the NYC metro area.

As an Italian-American male, I never considered “Fredo” to be an insult specifically directed at Italian-Americans. It was just a general insult toward somebody who was considered ineffective (like the character Fredo).

An event happens today at 12:45 PM, something else happens at 10:45 PM, yet the second one happened after the first one even though its a smaller number. This is dumb.

30-50 feral hogs? In this economy?