
Cliff may have been embellishing the moment in his mind to make Lee come across as more arrogant than he really was, but the fact that Green Hornet was not around in 1969 made me reconsider whether it was a fantasy.  But yes, like all good films, the scene is open to interpretation.

He’s more polished in that he knows how to keep the quiet part quiet, thereby placating the concerns of suburban Republicans. Plus he actually knows how the government works.

New Jersey leading the way again

If you want to see where the next GOP presidential candidates are, take a look at Tom Cotton (AK) and Josh Hawley (MO). They share Trump’s nationalist tendencies but are much more polished. Chilling.

Only way it would be whiter is if she was flashing gang signs, and wearing a black LA Dodger baseball hat askew.

I must confess that I may have been mistaken. I recently learned that Green Hornet ran from 1966-67. As the film took place in 1969 it may have indeed been a flashback instead of a fantasy.

I must confess that I may have been mistaken. I recently learned that Green Hornet ran from 1966-67. As the film took place in 1969 it may have indeed been a flashback instead of a fantasy.

I can’t help with her whiteness, but I would be happy to help relieve her of her richness by taking all her money.

Can we talk a little bit more about that ginormous pit of fire? Because I mean, WTF is up with that?


Rich folks used to have peacocks wandering around freely in their gardens, back in the day.

For sure he calls Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas”

How about those occasional nose hairs that have the consistency of piano wire for some reason? WTF is up with those? I have to admit they kinda fascinate me.

Your son was speaking for all of us.

Having gray hair at an early age sucks, but it’s far far better than losing your hair. I started going gray in my early 30s and an easy fix was Just for Men.  But friends of mine who started losing their hair around the same time had to go through all sorts of shit to hold on to what they had.

Little man” is also a good one.

If his own parents nicknamed him that, that could be part of the reason he’s a fuck up.

That was back in 2017, when Democrats like Schumer held out some hope that Trump could be reasoned with (remember it was that Fall when “Chuck and Nancy” were thisclose to getting Trump to pass meaningful immigration reform until Stephen Miller emerged from his coffin and put the kibosh on it).

Sorry. I just finished up “The Boys”, so I’m kinda in a dark frame of mind

Guys like James Dolan have been insulated from the real world since birth. They are surrounded by obsequious servants at home and troops of ‘yes’ people at work. They have never been told ‘no’ by anyone outside their family, let alone been viciously yelled at.