
People stain rooms all the time

That’s a mystery for the ages.

Geez, and I thought it was only Mets ownership that trashed their players after they leave.

Agreed. The Mets could put together a pretty decent package involving some combo of Wheeler, Fraizer, Ramos and some B level prospects in return from some good to very good prospects from some team looking to boost their SP in order to make the playoffs. If they did that with an eye toward 2020, I’d be perfectly OK

Why is this article even relevant nearly two years after it was first posted?

To her credit, she did throw a cup of piss at Roman Polanski on the set of Chinatown. So there’s that.

Hey, hey! The captain of the Titanic went down with the ship. Didn’t you see the movie?


1) Ah Floridians.

It was probably a combination of the odor and the disembodied screams of his ghost that did the store in.

Yup. Discovered this technique recently and it changed my whole perspective. Plus you don’t have to heat up the oven in the middle of summer.

Square cut thin pizza being proper, and casseroles masquerading as “Chicago-style” pizza. Fuck’s the matter with you guys?

I suspect that, like SNL audiences, 90% are from out of town (most likely the midwest) and have now been given a story they will pass down to their grandchildren.

Oh sure, but if you’re trapped in a car submerged in water and you need to cut through the window, you’re gonna want that diamond.

Unless she breaks up with him.

Something about the shape evokes a cockroach’s carapace or perhaps a very shiny nugget of pooh. It’s a brown diamond, which is why it’s uh, brown,

That one guy in the pink shirt was losing his shit over Leo. I wouldn’t have been surprised if his head exploded.

Washington state did it first

Whoa.  Are you telling me Jezebel is overly sensitive?  The hell you say!

I thought “you hate to see it” was this year’s “you hate to see it”?