
She’s really leaning into looking like her father in drag these days.

Agreed. I will take Wendy’s chicken sandwiches over Chik-Fil-A any time.

I felt they got pissed off so many viewers figured out the Season 1 Big Reveal before it was over, so they just got together and said “Oh, you guys think you’re so smart? Well, try and figure out THIS shit! It’s so non-linear even we don’t know what’s going on!”

Yeah, but he didn’t specify which moon landing. Everybody knows it was Apollo 15 that landed on the Hadley Rille/Apennine Mountains.

I think both Apollo 13 and First Man did a pretty, pretty, pretty good job of portraying both the Apollo astronauts and the mission control personnel as highly trained professionals who knew what they were doing

“I was in DC with my husband, and I came back, like, this is what people think all conservatives are now, and we are not.”

Now playing

After reading your post, my mind went right to this classic scene:

Doesn’t “vagina” also describe the female genitalia as an entity its own right?

May I introduce you to 500 Days of Summer?

They really should go with the Popeye’s option in that case. Or the White Castle 30 sliders pack

That sexy words discussion reminded me of this

This. I hate wearing sneakers with footsies in the summer. I have a good pair of Bjorn sandals and are comfortable as shit while letting my feet breathe free

Why do you guys constantly regurgitate articles that are over a year old and contain no new information whatsoever?

What “very big movie star” appeared regularly in SATC or either of the movies?

Maybe Bruce Willis from Striking Distance? He certainly was a very big movie star at that time.

It’s from the same guy who gave us Glee and seems to be following a similar pattern - interesting first season premise that should really be a mini-series but gets dragged out far longer than it should, ultimately going out with a whimper.

By all accounts Carson was a very accomplished pediatric neurosurgeon. I think for someone to be that good in so difficult/complex a profession probably means that’s all he knows about. So if he answers any question outside his profession he sounds pretty stupid.

Whatevs girl. I’ll leave you to your Angie stanning.

The objective facts are that she was a B list actress before Brad and then she was an A list actress with access to far more vanity projects - both Hollywood and non-Hollywood oriented- because she was catapulted into the A-list stratosphere because of Brad. Now that that’s over with, she’s falling back down to her