
Because otherwise it’s just another veggie burger. I like veggie burgers. Five Napkin Burger has a fantastic veggie burger. But I know it’s a veggie burger.

Fair enough

I see what you did there.

It is true that he viewed the campaign as the “world’s biggest infomercial” about Trump enterprises. He said so himself.

The narrator sounds like Michael Berman

True - in the pilot to TNG, they had Bones visiting the Enterprise and he was supposed to be 150 years old

I think they are trying to pretend Abrams embarrassing Kelvin timeline never happened.

Seems like more MLB incompetence in general rather than the Mets in particular. I know Mets ownership is a joke, but the team does reside in the MLB’s largest market. What they were doing was widely known so at the very least you would think the MLB Finance office would send an e-mail asking what’s up if they didn’t

Wait, we don’t like Bob Dylan anymore too?!?!  Jesus, I gotta start showing up to more meetings.

Cool, cool.


Well, of the two stories in the article, Portman’s has more of an “ick” factor, but it’s certainly not a #metoo situation. And Natalie can be a pretentious ass herself.

Wait, why do we hate Moby now?

Speaking as someone who’s had an implant, I can tell you insurance does cover them to some extent now if you need one. And yes, people with severe teeth issues will get dentures, but it’s not nearly as common as it used to be because dentistry has changed significantly since 1847.

But if you smiled more in your teens your crow’s feet and laugh lines would be more pronounced.  So, win-win?

I did too - well, in Brooklyn not Dallas. Got Friday matinees for both Infinity War (last year) and Endgame at the Alamo. Those were good days my friend.

If you are fortunate enough to live in a city with an Alamo cinema drafthouse, I cannot recommend their morning matinees enough. Their breakfast menus are fantastic

How else would you have them access your tooth? Back then there was no such thing as a root canal; it was expected that you’d lose all your teeth eventually, so if a tooth was bad they’d just pull it. Implants are also fairly new - when was the last time you heard anyone younger than your grandparents getting fitted

I, knowing that she will not raise her voice to stop me, decide to shit safely in the good bathroom.

In the rare instances where I can fly business class (or Virgin Atlantic) I am perfectly content flying. It’s those cheap cardboard economy seats on any flight more than 2 hours that are murder on my coccyx.