
I’m coming up on my 12 wedding anniversary - being able to make each other genuinely laugh at least 3-4 times/week is one of the most important aspects of a successful marriage IMO.

When he was a contestant on that Food Network show (Next Food Network Chef, or something?) he came across as funny, likable and pretty comfortable in his own skin. I think the skyrocketing celebrity that occurred afterwards, plus the cheesy Applebee’s-like restaurants didn’t endear him to a lot of people, but he is

Yeah she really has horrible horrible fashion sense - the best she’s looked was at her father’s funeral where she was forced to wear black.

Why do you guys re-post articles with very obvious “best by” dates? I thought this as a new McCain meltdown and it turns out it’s almost a month old.

That is a lot of pork products

Oh there is no bottom in this Age of Trump

Probably arguing about which team is going to have the more disappointing season.

Repressing childhood trauma?

Michael Jackson only raped me one time, but other than that, fantastic guy!

So I guess the Dothraki can just spontaneously generate? It seemed to me they were pretty much wiped out by the white walkers. Sure were a lot of them in that Dany addressing the troops scene.

He got re-elected primarily because of Trump (the mayoral election was in 2017) and a fairly weak GOP opponent.

A Dog’s Breakfast

She seems to enjoy the spotlight, and she’s not very bright. Not a great combination of personality traits.

If it really is Asgardians of the Galaxy and they can work Grandmaster into the script, I would be first in line for tickets.  Rocket and Grandmaster on the screen together? COME ON!

Avatar was in 3D and tickets cost ~50% more than the standard 2D prices. So the gross is inflated somewhat.

Or an Imperial pint.

This is what happens when you give an entire generation participation trophies.

What about Eddie from Frasier?

Nextdoor is like Twitter for soccer moms. Seems to be they use it to post every random vaguely-neighborhood related thought that comes into their Chardonnay-marinated brains.