A Dog’s Breakfast
A Dog’s Breakfast
She seems to enjoy the spotlight, and she’s not very bright. Not a great combination of personality traits.
Avatar was in 3D and tickets cost ~50% more than the standard 2D prices. So the gross is inflated somewhat.
Or an Imperial pint.
This is what happens when you give an entire generation participation trophies.
What about Eddie from Frasier?
Nextdoor is like Twitter for soccer moms. Seems to be they use it to post every random vaguely-neighborhood related thought that comes into their Chardonnay-marinated brains.
One night in Winterfell and the Night King tumbles
Can’t be too careful with your company
I can feel Daenerys walking next to me
It’s a niche market. Needs to advertise to as wide an audience as possible I suppose.
As “massacre” means an indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of people, it seems to be just the right amount of whelm to describe what Dany did.
Those people would be idiots.
It’s becoming increasingly apparent that Benioff and Weiss are at best mediocre storytellers who have been standing on the shoulders of GRRM for six(?) seasons. They are now at the point where they are trying to dazzle us with bright, shiny objects in the hope that we won’t notice the glaring inconsistencies in their…
Yes, I guess they’ve found an eventual successor to Maureen Dowd.
And why they didn’t have the dragons lay down some aerial bombardment first remains a mystery for the ages. At the very least they would have shed some light on the battlefield.
In the “behind the scenes” episode, they went into detail about how Qyburn took the lessons from the Gold Train ambush to improve upon both the scorpion and the ballistas. The ballistas actually spun now and the arrowhead had some curved barbs that sprung out, creating bigger holes in their targets.
Dude, maybe if he stopped at “you’re so beautiful”, but then he went from zero to WTF DUDE?!?! with that “so much cum on your face” remark after receiving ab-so-lute-ly no indication that she was remotely interested (not to mention waiting some 45 minutes before sending it).
Exactly - he’s a Hollywood schlub, not an actual schlub.
His laugh would get old real quick though
But didn’t she already “prove” her comedic chops in that Seth McFarlane western a few years back - A Million Ways to Die in the West I think?