
Indeed, it was a very cold blooded thing to do.

But oh, those mid-air spins, amirite?

Jon’s honorableness only extends to humans, apparently. Ghost survives the Battle of Winterfell only to be sent north with the wildlings?

I thought it was half of the Unsullied?

I don’t think dragons are scavengers though. I suspect they will only eat live food.

To be fair, Jon is full of dumb battle decisions:

Really, Winterfell must smell pretty awful after that battle. I guess the cold will keep the bodies frozen for awhile, and I suppose the dragon can do a quick cremation ceremony. But the bodies will have to be moved out of the castle first.

The dragon (only one left I think) are also loyal to Jon Snow as he has Targaryean blood in him.

Well, he did get some crows to fly around the Night King.  Maybe they pecked at his ice crown and distracted him a bit.  You never know.

Nymeria and The Ghost is the spinoff we all deserve.  The wander around the countryside helping people out and solving crimes.  Make it happen HBO!

Quantum of Solace is better if you watch back-to-back after Casino Royale. I actually liked it better than Skyfall, where they started going off the rails with crazy shit (e.g,. that empty subway train was perfectly timed to come crashing through that hole; or Q is stupid enough to plug a suspect computer directly

I guess Kate got tired of being slobbered on like a Labrador

Yeah Gylls!

I think Jon is a bad military strategist (Sansa: whatever you do, don’t be goaded by Ramsey. Jon: OK OK! *later* D’oh!) but he seems like he’d be a fairly decent ruler. He’d know enough to appoint Sam as his hand, and with a privy council of Tyrion, Varys, Jonah, Davos and Sansa, the ship of state would pretty much

While adding another replay rule that will add 10 minutes to the game.

3 nights/week on average = 156 women/year. Over 5 years = 780.

Thematically it’s the same damn show, down to the pseudo-documentary format and the dumb “can you believe this is happening??” staring into the camera whenever something wacky happens. Sure, the characters are different, but it’s the same basic premise.

Four seasons, Dude. Four seasons.

I dunno, is four seasons enough to form an accurate opinion?

Hotter take: Parks & Recreation was a lame reimagining of the US version of The Office with different characters in the same basic roles. The US Office was a lame remake of the UK version, making Parks & Rec even lamer.