
Maybe, but I’m sure they will try to squeeze as much publicity out of it as possible.

I can see Theon, Jonah and possibly Jamie (as his story arc is basically over) being gone by this time next week.

Yeah but even if they are just bones they can rise and cause havoc.  The specimen Jon brought to Cersei was basically a skeleton.

Finally! Was that so hard GoT creators?

Grifters gonna grift and breed grifter kids.

Oh Lord,

Meh, not so bad.


In a way I feel I want a pox on both their houses. The “wealthy pouty mediocrities” (kudos for that) and their idiot offspring who own most MLB teams are incredibly greedy, but so are these players - or perhaps more accurately so are these player’s agents.

Still, he played himself on Archer, so he has that going for him.

Agree on Leo. Filming may be boring but to be a professional athlete you have to worry about every single thing you eat and be in training basically every day of your career. I’d rather be an actor.

Just because you ate at a Sbarro’s in NYC doesn’t mean you had New York pizza.

You can find good high-quality Mexican food, but yeah, simple taquerias are not easy to find for some reason.  Perhaps it is crowded out by other Latino cuisines?

“Ramsey Bolton - great guy! But I told him not to trust his dogs. But he didn’t listen to me, so bye-bye Ramsey. Dogs are such disgusting animals by the way -worse than Mexicans! Many people are saying.  They lick their own balls, it’s disgusting! Disgusting!

Apparently back in Elizabethan times, tables tops were not attached to table legs (I assume because it made them easier to store). So if you put your elbows on the table, there was a chance the food could go flying off it.  Hence the “no elbows on the table” rule.

Regarding the half-and-half scarf, that person was an oblivious idiot.

I think the strangest thing to come out of this whole college admissions scandal is that USC is somehow considered an “elite” university.

And don’t forget scrambled porn.

Youth today - they had no idea what we had to go through to rub one out.