
This is the correct take.  A mid-afternoon dump is a nice break in the day.

My logic is the older generation can’t work a cell phone, so internet porn is out the window.

The owner is also a big game hunter apparently, so there’s that.

The Last Kingdom is a fun show, and it’s based on actual Earth history.  No dragons, but plenty of Vikings and uptight clergymen.

Didn’t she ghost Sean Penn? Granted, I’m sure Sean Penn can be a bit...eccentric. But still, she could’ve been more mature in dumping his ass.

Even if she does, the guy she dates will most likely be rich, business-type and with an ego of a different sort.

In fairness, the MLB treats umpires like shit. For a good perspective of what it’s like to be an umpire in today’s MLB, read As They See ‘Em, by Bruce Weber.

Seems to be a fascination to get into the origins of every legendary big bad. In the book “Red Dragon” Thomas Harris made a point *not* to give Hannibal Lecter any origin story. But sure enough Hollywood couldn’t leave well enough alone and they had to do a crappy Hannibal origin film. Same with Vader (though Lucas

Red Velvet in general needs to GTFO. Tired of seeing a version of it show up in every foodstuff.

Axe and Chuck at Schnectady

Referencing the US treatment of African Americans is a classic propaganda move of both European fascism and communism. The Soviets did it all the time during the Cold War whenever the US brought up human rights. It’s intellectually lazy enough as it is to retort with “whataboutism” but this is extra intellectual

Very few Mets fans I know (including myself) view the team as a secondary rooting interest, but I grew up in the NYC metro area.

If they can rationalize voting for a thrice married serial philander who exemplifies pretty much all of the seven deadly sins because it advances their agenda, they can easily work with Muslims.

Oh yeah. She was very up in Bernie’s ass and realllly hated Hillary.

IIRC, Dawson was a pretty heavily in the tank for Bernie in 2016. So how does she rationalize dating someone who even neo-libs consider a Wall Street-friendly corporate Democrat?

Ever since religious conservatives failed in their push of anti-LGBTQIA laws in the US, they have worked with the gov’ts of developing countries in Africa and SE Asia to push their agenda. I’m sure they at least had a hand in what’s gone down in Brunei.

...the U.S. Patent and Trademark office has rejected her trademarks on “Olivia Jade” and “Olivia Jade Beauty,” citing vague language and improper punctuation.

We’ve got to get out of here!

Hold up - so this all started when the two nine year old girls got into a fight over cigarettes?? Can we hear some more about that please?

The biggest threat to the existence of professional baseball is the team owners. And it’s been this way pretty much since the beginning.