
They are too busy segregating the schools to waste time on that in New York. 

Before they got their asshole racist in the white house, these motherfuckers like this woman wanted to talk about nothing but politics. Now, it’s “why can’t we talk about something else” while Trump burns our democracy to the ground. 

One slight addendum in your listing of Trump’s racist past. Trump maintained that the Central Park Five were guilty even after they were cleared, so by simple logic, he is still calling for them to receive the death penalty.

There is nothing else to be said, or at least nothing else I wish to say. We just disagree. That’s fine. 

Thank you for the advice to not yell the n-word on the X2. I had been wondering if that is something I should do, but now for sure I won’t. 

So this is just an error in branding. Don’t call it a town hall. Just call it a large private meeting with super important people.

So no politician ever should meet with any members of the public without the press being there?

So you aren’t celebrating it but really you are. You kind of have to choose. History is filled with people taking “justice” into their own hands and more times than not when there is a racial component it is black people that end up bleeding. It strikes as odd for so many to have such a cavalier attitude towards that.

You would have to monumentally stupid to believe this woman will never use the n-word again.

I never tried to give any cover to this racist woman. What she did was awful, and it really isn’t that surprising that if you yell a racial slur loudly at a crowded bus, a bus filled mostly with black people that you are yelling the n-word at, that you will likely (or at least there is a decent chance that you will)

Yep, like if you draw cartoons of Muhammad...

Why don’t you try this out. Every time someone says something to you that you don’t like, push them on the ground. Report back with how that works out for you. That guy should absolutely be charged with homicide, but that doesn’t mean people should be allowed to go around shoving people on the ground because they are

Nobody should give a shit about any of this. 

It most certainly is.

White people absolutely should do more to police racist white people. I’ll give you that every day and twice on Sundays. On your second point, you couldn’t create legal consequences without amending the Constitution. I don’t see that happening. 

And the war against Christmas. Another rousing victory!

Absolutely. This is true. But thirsting after blood makes you an asshole. Pretending this is legally or morally justified is wrong on both accounts. We live in a civilized society. Too many comments and the article itself are basically just the black version of Breitbart. It’s disgusting. Wanting a race war is

This is absolute horseshit. I hope the people reading this don’t take advice from pretend internet lawyers. Fighting words have limited first amendment protection. It has nothing to do with justification for assault. Any idiot that has passed first year of law school could tell you that.

You seem angry. I think you should try yoga. Or perhaps some breathing exercises. 

Wow, you really put me in my place, internet tough guy.