
While you’re asking that question, why not also ask about defeating Communism and what exactly is going on in China right now?

Gaudy lip injections, however, are something you can put a price on.

And while what this lady said was terrible, I’d think long and hard before celebrating extrajudicial violence as a method for dealing with slights in racial contexts. On the whole, those don’t seem to go black peoples’ way as often as they go against them. As a matter of public perception, the idea that black people

Oh, she is very much an idiot. I have ridden that bus many times, and as a white person (even a large man), I would never in a million years think of doing something like that (I also would never in a million years think of calling someone the n-word in any context). It is really stupid. It is a disgusting thing to

So did the guy that pushed that other guy in the parking lot deserve to get shot? I mean, he “started” it.

I used to ride the X2 over 10 years ago, and this comment made a lot more sense then than it does now. 

It is in fact the fault of the “mean old black people” who beat her up. They should be arrested. These people were no more threatened than that guy who shot the other guy in that parking lot. Where were you on that one?

It is a lot like those arguments, and those arguments are trash. She absolutely shouldn’t have said that word, but nobody should have slapped her in the head beforehand (assuming that happened, I slowed down the video but couldn’t see it) and definitely shouldn’t have severely beaten her like this. Even halfway

Depends on the celebrity. If I got beat up by Jim Parsons, I think I might not be able to bring myself to sue him, but if Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson kicks my ass, I’m suing for sure.

When you think about it, Trump really deserves all the credit for minority job growth starting in 2015, if not sooner, as it was his impending presidency that caused it. 

I thought it was fake, too, but know, that is real. 

It is believable. Either way, he is an incredibly stupid person.

I sorta agree with Sanders, to an extent. The media, by accurately reporting what Donald Trump does and says, has divided the country into two groups: irredeemable and complete assholes and people who are not irredeemable and complete assholes. I’m not sure these two groups can ever truly come together. 

Her revelations lead to Trump showing his ass. Trump is essentially proving that what she is saying is correct. Of course, his fucking retarded supporters won’t care. So in a sense, everything is meaningless, with or without audio recordings. Remember how Trump could shoot someone on 5th Avenue?

Trump’s unhinged reactions are real. Also, I doubt she created bogus tapes. I mean, it’s possible. I think it is perfectly reasonable to believe that she is telling something approaching the truth about how batshit crazy the administration is. No, no one should lionize her even slightly, but that doesn’t mean her

Forget Omarosa specifically and marvel at Trump blatantly admitting that the only thing that matters is how much you kiss his ass:

Republicans in power and their puppet masters also have no interest in capitalism. They are just a griftocracy hell bent on cronyism. People really might like capitalism if it even kind of existed. 

This is great work, if not at all surprising. Trump’s racism is the only thing that rivals his narcissism as the central theme of his public policy agenda. Trump wants to be loved and revered for his brain and bank account (and his - barf - sexual prowess - barf again), and he wants to be a racist asshole. He doesn’t

Yes, but you can fire up your base just as easily without alienating people. It was an unforced error. I’m not telling the guy not to peddle is soft racism, I’m just saying to do so a bit more carefully. 

Eh, the ones that are racist good ol’ boys will, but in a close election, you need turnout, and it’s not inconceivable that getting shit-talked like this might make “moderate Republicans,” whatever the hell that might be, stay home. You are right that for the vast majority of his supporters, this won’t register or