Have you ever offered cash to someone and have them not greet it with absolute delight? Guessing not.
Have you ever offered cash to someone and have them not greet it with absolute delight? Guessing not.
I tend to undertip, the whole reason for undertipping is getting to see the look on the recipient’s face.
I tend to overtip, and the whole reason for overtipping is getting to see the look on the recipient’s face.
This is the place where white-collar folks from NYC are sent for the most part, as far as I know?
Did they yell “stop resisting” while beating him?
Not only that, how fucked up is it that 6 years for murder is worthy of being deemed a scapegoat type sentence?
I was already too lazy to ever get a second job, but thanks for alleviating my guilt over it.
This is so good. Thank you for giving me permission to forgive myself for never following through with establishing a side hustle. I already spend so many hours on my primary job and commuting that I feel don’t have enough time for my past times, socializing, and self care that I feel are essential to my health and…
Probably best not bother, hey? Just let the war criminals get on with it and don’t even try to hold them to account.
It apparently made a lot of Splinter commenters spontaneously ejaculate. That’s gotta count for something, right?
too much*
You conveniently left out the 14-50 record from 1989-1992, two owners (the second of which wanted to move the team to St. Louis), a locker room scandal over the treatment of a female reporter, and a dilapidated stadium that was forbidden from hosting Monday Night Football due to excessive drunkenness. And before…
Majored in slappin nerds
> I think the rate is 1 in -2
You just listed the price.
I thought he did at first, too, but he was reverse-engineering who the oldest people alive are and if they could conceivably lived on Manhattan for all of their lives. As he does, he concluded through his decent research with a hypothetical he pulled completely out of his ass.
Four whole years. BOO FACKIN HOO
I thought so too, but in a longwinded way he seemed to be using reductive logic to get the age down before getting back to the main point.
Nah, you’ll see them out there all the time acting like the Pats were the Washington Generals or some shit.
No way Gisele’s tolerance for her husband’s *cough* tomfoolery extends to their children. Those kids’ shots are up to date.