
How much can Mets season ticket holders claim to be giving to charity?

Alternate headline: “ Uh oh: Black People are Too Generous”

If you are giving away 11% of your wealth each year, I think maybe you’re the reason you don’t have much wealth. 

I look forward to the administration eventually saying that it is totally cool to steal from your business partners, because reasons. And then of course for the preaching about how holding rich, powerful assholes to account would just rip our country apart and how we need to get back to what is important, (gutting

You’re welcome.

Splinter frames something shitty as shitty, and you complain because you are an asshat. 

The majority of white people vote GOP, but I still think it would be a bad idea for a Democrat to say “we don’t want a white person representing us.” What about the ones that support you? If Franklin County were literally 100% Democrat, then maybe it wouldn’t matter. It’s not. 

Why doesn’t this article have a picture of Trump’s wall, which I was told would be built by Summer 2017. I’m sure Trump kept his word, so why won’t you libtards let us see it?

In the 90s, the GOP railed on government bureaucrats as the enemy of the people, and I don’t remember anyone ever taking that message so far as to start shooting people. I mean, yes, Timothy McVeigh did blow up a building and kill a whole bunch of people, but he didn’t shoot anyone. 

My comment was a generalization, not about any one case specifically.

The theory here is that because Bredesen is a good centrist candidate, if he fails, that means that we should never support a centrist candidate again (presumably instead we should push candidates farther to the left). This is misguided. First, how exactly are you going to keep someone like Bredesen from running? I’m

Wait, a white adult man is allowed to be scared for his life because there is a black person, including children, around him (totally menacing, I’m sure), but a black woman is not allowed to be scared for her life by a known repeat abuser?

The government is now basically Dana Carvey’s sons:


Fox news straight up called her racist. Not “racist,” but just racist. They call people like David Duke “racist,” but no, she is racist to them.

I would say that Trump’s method of governing, gimmicks and bullshit, is spreading, but these assholes were just this worthless before Trump came along. 

He donated to Planned Parenthood. I’m just spitballing for things that would actually make his supporters mad. 

Yes, “actual” twins. Not litter mates.

Actual twins have the same DNA (at least at birth, prior to slight mutations). Twins getting different results is because these tests are about the same as palm readings. For entertainment only. 

At this point, if Sessions were to actually do something to put a stop to the investigation, Trump would either be impeached, or we would no longer have a country.