
I’m sure this “hardworking” “American” won’t be taking any “handouts” now because he isn’t “lazy” like those “other” people. Nope, no GoFundMe for this guy. Don’t even try to start one because this salt of the Earth blue collar hero will not accept charity.

This seemingly happened on the weekend, so I have a hard time believing that the premium seating in coach was filled with people that paid for those tickets rather than getting the complimentary upgrades based on status (or maybe even just gratis). If this couple paid or were higher in status priority than others in

Along with everything else, conservatives seem to be utterly confused about who the applicant pool is for immigration. That wealthy scientist in Western Europe isn’t in it. 

I know the hat is something close to camouflage, but you should still be able to see it.

That hat would look silly on a 17-year-old rapper. Apparently, this asshole hasn’t been slapped enough for not knowing how to dress like a goddamn adult.

Is it bad that when I saw the headline I hoped she was abusing DonJ? I mean, someone is abusing him:

“Little League Home Runs” have to start in the infield. This doesn’t qualify.

The lie there is that Dipshit Daniel refuted a goddamn thing. My eyes would roll out of my head in sheer shock if his rebuttal were any more nuanced than “nuh-uh.” 

And if you are going to shoot someone, you don’t do it on 5th Avenue, unless you just don’t think the law applies to you. The only thing scarier than Trump thinking he can just whatever he pleases is the strong possibility that he is right. 

You’d have to think with an extremely young audience, they would want to promote diversity. 39 of 49 speakers were white men (seven were white women, so only 3 minorities). That might seem like it’s pretty light on the diversity, but honestly I think that’s the best conservatives can do. Not many people of color want

If only the uncivil left would work together they would realize that we are just trying to fuck their feelings. 

So he is here to keep Donald Trump’s promises. Why don’t we start with better, cheaper healthcare for all? Once we do that, we’ll listen on the other shit. 

It’s always the white guy out there just doing whatever the fuck he pleases that is getting mad at black people for being “rude.”

Fuck you.

Gotcha. Well, that just means there are two reasons the arrest would not stand. 

I mean, it seems as though she did break the letter of the law. The charges were dropped because it was clear this was politically motivated, which poisons the arrest. You can’t break the law to “catch” lawbreakers.

It’s a good thing the person that made that call was not playing baseball, because then Bregman’s point about him never playing baseball would make sense. Wonder when the last time Bregman umpired baseball was? 

Holder’s charisma is somewhere between Hillary Clinton and a literal dead fish. I’ll let you decide if that means his is better or worse than Hillary. 

I’m sure she’ll be a hit with all the “values voters.” As long as she is as racist as the rest of them, since that is what they value. 

She aged out.