What about people that “hold” automatic sliding doors open? Better or worse?
What about people that “hold” automatic sliding doors open? Better or worse?
What if it is a really slow closing door? There has to also be some sort of time limit.
This is both absolutely true and also an incredibly unnecessary article.
There was at least one other comment that seemed like it maybe didn’t get it. Obviously I’m not calling you the dummy.
I’m sorry if anyone was offended by my racism.
Joke Explainer:
Am I crazy to think getting owned by Whoopi Goldberg might cost “Judge” Pirro the attorney general position?
Another prime example of why service industry employees’ pay should not be tied to the whims of the public. The public are assholes.
If Crowley runs and wins, the Democratic party has to shun him and make him the 535th most important member of Congress. If not, they have shit to say when progressives bail on them in 2020.
Perhaps. But I believe that her company’s success is tied to the fact that she owns it. People want to buy her makeup/lip shit. Sure, she has value as a celebrity spokesperson, but not nearly the value that is derived from teens and young women that want to buy Kilie’s makeup. If it is just the makeup she is shilling…
Black people that can’t get jobs because of systemic racism should join the military so they can maybe die for the country that doesn’t care about them. But hey, if you live at least you’ll be in the middle class?!
Well, if the difference in max sentence is one year (30 years instead of 29), maybe it doesn’t make sense to muck up the trial with more elements?
Well, since the entirety of the value of the company is tied into the fact that she owns it, it’s value for sale should be almost nothing. People buy her overpriced shit because she is selling it. If she isn’t the one selling it, nobody will buy it.
I don’t know if I can handle this much civility.
Excuse you!
You can’t expect the police to find this guy when their are so many strippers out there rubbing their tits on peoples’ faces. Priorities, people.
Yeah, the news referring to this as a “rant” is some bullshit. This is not a rant. A rant is what happens when I forget to take out the garbage.
Down-on-his-luck-Bob-Ross over here has made nothing but bad life choices.
The guy really wants to see the pee pee tape. Nothing else matters.
If you criticize Trump, you have to have been on record criticizing every person ever that did something similar before.* That’s just the rules. If you praise Trump, you can shit on the floor and no one cares.