He’s simply giving himself cover for when he blasts political elites. Frankly, I bet Bernie wishes his son would not run for office, at least not yet, because it does muddy his persona a bit.
Another white guy here. I’ve many times criticized family for straight up using the N-word and they will say it isn’t racist. Seriously, I say “using the N-word is racist” and they say it isn’t. Not only are they “not racist,” but using racial slurs is not even a racist act.
Oh, shit, I figured he was talking about the ad, which would be a stupid opinion, but if he’s talking about a comment in a Splinter article making people into Trump supporters, that is next level stupid.
If you get your britches twisted over a gay kiss, you were already a Trump guy anyway. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, and any backwoods hick that is offended by this needs to see it. There is no reason that liberals should back down in the identity politics war that the right started over homosexuality, especially…
I’m from East Tennessee and I’ve never even heard of Washburn. This town is probably 90% racist and 50% full on Klan.
Trump brought this up. Every Republican has a responsibility to say unequivocally that if Trump attempts to pardon himself, they will impeach and remove him from office that day or the next at the latest. No ifs, ands, or buts.
So when comedians tell stories when they are doing stand up, do you believe the stories actually happened? Do you really see no difference?
The outrage over this was just so stupid. If Roseanne had made a racist joke on her show as her character, then her show should not be cancelled. Do we really want to hold characters (Bee on TV is a character) to the same standard as people as themselves?* If so, I think Quentin Tarantino is in big trouble because I…
Is it possible to think that Brock Turner is a piece of shit and he should have gotten more prison time, but that recalling a judge over it will be a huge negative for all sorts of progressive and liberal causes now and in the future? Asking for a friend.
Do you have anything to back up the thing you just pulled out of your ass?
Get out of the way with your forethought, we’re virtue signaling here!
Based on going to games, all the fan-bases of the major sports in DC are almost all white, except for the Wizards, and the Wizards fan-base is still majority white. But the hockey fans just seem to be the most racist. They scare me, and I’m white. I’d be terrified to be in Chinatown if I were black and the Caps won. I…
But that didn’t happen. You are right that if it did, it would be a bad thing. But there are disastrous results that come from the normal process. Look no further than the governor’s mansion in Augusta, Maine.
I’m not going to respond to this other than to say I read it, and I will probably be the only person in the world that does since you are replying on a three-week old blog post.
Alternative Theory: He does know the words, but he is too fat and out of shape to sing a one minute song while standing outside without passing out, so he needed the frequent breaks to avoid embarrassingly falling to the ground and wheezing there for a few minutes. But I’m just a guy trying to defend our dear…
I would say that he sent her because this one is about Puerto Rico, but let’s be honest, if it were about Puerto Rico, he wouldn’t even send Barron.
Imagine being a Eagles fan and taking time off work to come to DC in the middle of the week to see your Eagles at the White House and instead you get a school chorus playing boring songs for less than no reason.
If you don’t view the immigrants as people, it is easier to believe that one crime is one too many. The administration is trying its best to push this. Of course, most of Trump’s base and even some outside of it have very little ground, if any, to travel to get to “they aren’t people,” so we’ll see how that goes.
So the 1,000 fans that are showing up are getting zero players instead of “fewer than ten” because they deserve better? Why don’t you ask those fans what they would have preferred? I hope they boo the shit out of him, but I’m guessing these are donor-types so that won’t happen.