This makes no goddamn sense. Are you retarded?
This makes no goddamn sense. Are you retarded?
Opinions like this are why Republicans basically control everything.
Very similar stories with Barack Obama in regard to campaign finance among other issues, but I’m guessing those are different somehow. I don’t want progressives to lose elections to conservatives who will take money from anyone because of their principles, because I want progressives to win elections. When it is the…
You don’t like what he did because you don’t like him. If you did like him, you’d be fine with what he did.
If Warren were 100% principled, wouldn’t she refuse all of the private donations she has received because she believes election campaigns should be publicly funded?
You can be 100% principled, or you can get elected. You can’t do both.
I’m not saying thing woman should go to jail, but she might need a stay in the loony bin.
Vile racist and criminal’s only problem is elect-ability. Trump is getting predictable. Trump’s Law: the worst response is the response he gives.
I appreciate Trump’s crusade to save Merry Christmas. May all of the nonbelievers be bludgeoned to death, as Jesus taught us in the book of Nazareth.
I kind of want to retroactively become a fan of Kanye so that I can boycott him now.
If he wins the Republican primary, we may very well end up with definitive proof that West Virginia is the worst state. Alabama, after all, did not elect Roy Moore.
You almost had me until you said America hates white males...
Could be said to be more of a nuisance for homeowners, as the units surrounding you are turned into churched up hotel rooms.
The tendency of men (and not women) to turn to violence as a “solution” to their problems is not special or, based on any evidence presented, acute within this population. In fact, based on best estimations of domestic violence, I’d bet that incels attack women at a much lower rate than other men.
But he’s really only making things worse for Cohen, if anyone. Trump can give his campaign whatever he wants.
He was an asshole, sure, but he was not a reality TV show clown.
Thank you for the correction, though I see few differences between the two.
I have to hope, and I do presume, this is all for show. But I don’t think it will give Facebook any positive outcome, so at best this seems like a waste of 0.0000001% of it’s annual profits.
The Swedes are not going to give Donald Trump a fucking award.
Trump is going to be mad when he finds out about this. Sending his nomination on recycled paper? What kind of tree-hugging, hipster bullshit is that?