Fox News attacked Obama for wearing a tan suit but was mealy mouthed about Trump defending Nazis. Their hypocrisy is not news, though I guess it is still worth pointing out every once in a while.
Fox News attacked Obama for wearing a tan suit but was mealy mouthed about Trump defending Nazis. Their hypocrisy is not news, though I guess it is still worth pointing out every once in a while.
I’m sure Roy Moore has already put in a call for any of his daughter’s that need a date.
Rush is trying to make up for the fact that he is only like 25% sure that he does in fact have a penis.
But wait, is she a mother??
Donald Trump has done nothing in his entire, miserable life to deserve dignity from anyone. Anyone who works for him is in the exact same boat, too.
You forgot to add that he is a racist and a religious bigot. So many superlatives!!
Or he’s just an awkward dipshit.
Hey Mika, can you give me a list of single, barren women in the administration that it is okay to trash?
Simply saying that something is stupid is not hysteria. Hysteria would be claiming that giving Trump the peace prize would result in some list of horribles. That is not what this article does. It simply says that doing so would be stupid. It also says that giving Obama one in 2009 was not a great move. Did you…
He wants an old fart because Congress is regrettably full of old farts.
Melania Trump is a gaping asshole that only appears to be an almost decent person because she is often next to the world’s largest piece of shit.
Maybe Trump can follow Hillary’s lead. Hillary had basically every celebrity in the world on her side and Trump had some third rate soup stars, so it was no surprise that Hillary won the election. Perhaps now that he has Yeezy and Shania Twain he will finally become president.
When Trump says “people don’t realize...” whatever comes next is something that Trump just recently learned. So Trump just recently learned that the Republican party was actually the good party 150 years ago. Maybe someone could teach Trump the concept of “things change over time?”
Let me be the first to say that Kanye West does not deserve the right to independent thought. We should all be the same. He does agree with everything Trump does. And everyone should agree with Trump. Wait, am I doing this right?
Wait, I thought The Donald didn’t care about schmoozing with celebrities???
I think the only thing you are proving with this post is that we need to freak out a lot more about beds.
Well, Mygyn left the village, and hoped for some new viewers, probably hoping to keep some of the old. She ended up not getting the new and losing the old.
The analogy is very outdated. It was true in the 80s. Grant Hill, Elton Brand, and many other (mostly black, btw) Duke stars have had good to great NBA careers.
In fact, it almost seems as though racism is often an outlet to feel less bad about how poor you are.
When the backlash to this insanity leads to the nationalization of banks, I won’t feel sorry for these assholes and their blood sucking supporters.