
Is the reference to “respectful dialogue” just about saying “fuck,” because I’m sorry, but if calling someone a racist is not allowed because you need “respectful dialogue,” then fuck outta here with respectful dialogue.

Anti-union people are either the Ayn Rand types or “temporarily inconvenienced millionaires” that don’t think they need the help (they do). And garden variety Fox News-watching dolts that don’t think for one minute on their own, and have been told by their corporate overlords (the Ayn Rand types) that unions are bad

In my analogy, the company (or really the company’s employees) are not the school, they are the community that relies on the school. The school is the union. Sure, they could move (moving would be akin to changing jobs in the scenario; the vast majority of people in this country have no realistic access to private

I didn’t miss your point. It was nonsense.

You are bad at understanding analogy. We should probably improve whatever school you go/went to.

Not all heroes wear capes.

To the extent this is true (pretty dubious that it is that true at all), it is akin to saying that because some schools do a shitty job teaching children, we should get rid of schools.

This crazy dude aside, don’t order a burger from a pizza place and don’t order a pizza from a burger place. This is common sense.

Well, he, unlike Macron, is in fact a fat sack of shit. He thinks these large billowing suits help him hide it.

“...and drank too much on the job.” 

I’m sure he got cleared ahead of time by cyber security chief Barron, so nothing to worry about here.

You’d have to first hire police officers with the ability and desire to do this. There are a few out there, but most simply lack these types of skills. It’s sad.

This story shows that Border Patrol and this administration are either incredibly stupid or incredibly dishonest, and now I need to here something from an adorable little Hispanic girl...

“Shady Math” or a more correct term: “Straight Up Lying”

If he’s really a hero, why hasn’t Donald Trump tweeted about him yet?

Are you looking only for insiders who are important, or is it enough if I think I’m important? If the latter, drop me a line.

Far less likely, yes, but white people are insane if they think the police won’t fuck them up, too.

They should look into this teacher and make sure this was just a mistake, and if that’s all it is, fine, move on. I think there is a decent chance that they will find out more, and in that case the teacher should obviously be fired.

The fact that he was able to listen to her for more than 3 seconds without doing the *jerk off motion* to me shows that he has more restraint in dealing with imbeciles than I could ever muster.

I’m going to take this as a compliment.