
Would it, though? Is the fraternity really the problem? This isn’t even a real fraternity. The whole “shut down the fraternities” thing reminds me of a proposal here in DC to stop fights that occur outside of Jumbo Slice pizza places by making pizza by the slice illegal. Unless you outlaw immature young men, the

Today’s high: I’m an adult that brushes her teeth.

She has a point in as far as Comey has reduced himself to bantering with Meghan Fucking McCain about the dignity of the FBI. Holy smokes. Comey may be selling out the FBI in some way for money and fame, but she is definitely selling out her almost dead father’s legacy as a “serious person” by being a cartoon imp on


It’s not the same shittiness in reverse. Please look up “context” in a dictionary. Taking down statues in your city that your citizens don’t want to be up that represent racism is not “shittiness” unless you are in fact a racist. You don’t seem to be, so you are just a very confused person. Perhaps you should drink a

Then you never do anything. You are not engaging in reality.

They got rid of the statues. There is a 100% chance some rich do-gooders will ensure that their celebration happens, too. And they got to expose those fucking hillbilly racists in Nashville for what they are (again, they are indeed fairly regularly exposed). Seems like a win-win-win.

Terrible, terrible take. What they did was legal, ethical, and just the right thing to do. We don’t like in a caricature of a legislative body come to life. Politics is just a nasty business and in Tennessee it is full of retards and racists. You do what you have to do and don’t look back. Acting like you could go to

You are fucking stupid.

Have you seen this guy?

You can tell that the Republican’s efforts to make abortion difficult to obtain are really taking off when you look at how much money this lady needed in order to afford her abortion.

Especially since these right wing nutjobs going after law enforcement is not exactly unheard of.

Don’t jump to conclusions, guys. He could have been planning to blow up his local barber shop.

I was making a joke related to a somewhat popular musical.

I thought he couldn’t be president because he was Puerto Rican?

Only idiots ever believed they were a party of family values.

She loves to say that the president has been “clear” about all sorts of things. I honestly think the only thing he’s ever been clear about is that he hates Rosie O’Donnell. The guy wouldn’t give a clear answer if you asked him what day it is.

The stunning lack of self-awareness does somehow help Hannity and his chud followers in this situation.

Enjoy hell.

I never suggested anything, dipstick.