
You are a pedantic asshole and I’m sure you have no friends. I never said it was “official” in that it was codified by law. She has an official staff and meelymouthing your way through your dumbass comments is stupid and pathetic. Now go the fuck away.

There is an entire staff that is paid by taxpayers. She has a chief of staff. Even if it created by executive order or whatever, it is an official role. I’m not looking for nitpicks about what constitutes “official” here.

The “first lady” is antiquated bullshit and should not exist in any sort of official role. Of course people listen to what their spouses have to say and there are events where it is common to bring your spouse, but expecting a spouse to really be a helpful part of the administration is not fair. Melania is obviously

Yeah, I can’t just put whatever I want on my work computer. IT frowns on that.

“we routinely undertake conversations with prospective clients to try to tease out any unethical or illegal intentions.”

I didn’t see the comparison to Alabama football the same. To me it was pure nonsense. In this analogy, Villanova is playing the part of Alabama football. So what does them running up the score or not paying Alabama basketball have to do with anything?

Nope. I’m getting ads for Dickies Flex work pants, which means the advertising software must just be malfunctioning today.

Trump generally doesn’t make sense, both in words and deeds. But if he knows that he has a pile of skeletons in his closet, and Mueller is moving towards that closet, then his desperate lashing out makes total sense. What else can he do? If he knows that he’s fucked if he lets Mueller do his job, then he’s gotta give

Meanwhile the Republicans continuously claim that Democrats hate God and America. No backlash. The left eats its own and coddles its opposition.

I think the Republicans might find that the whole “attack Hillary” strategy is a lot less effective this time around. I’ll let you guess as to the reason why.

Nobody gives a shit about some Atlantic League club that no one has ever heard of, but his current (as of last week, not anymore) team is a bunch of craven assholes. They were not recently “made aware of the nature of the incident.” They knew. Or they were intentionally burying their heads in the sand. Same with Ray

Can you all stop it with these puns? I can’t concentrate.

Are they going to concentrate all of these people in one place before they do this?

They view them the same way:

Don’t be afraid to say the words:

He will still be the guy from southwest Pennsylvania who was all over the national news 3 months ago. It’s not like the national news is going to intensely cover some other aspect of southwest Pennsylvania anytime soon. You are obviously not from an area like this. If you were, you would know how big of a deal it is

I can’t help but believe the real hero, the real reason that Lamb won this race, was not his policies or that of his opponent. No, the people of southwest PA took one look at the godawful creature living on Saccone’s upper lip and decided that they’d rather be known for anything than be known as the creeps represented

You don’t think the national attention being paid to fucking southwest Pennsylvania is going to give this guy some name recognition in the area?

His father’s name is also Fermin, which from 15 seconds of Googling I believe is a Hispanic name, too.

Bullet fragments in the necks of children are simply the cost of freedom. No other possible way around that.