
This is as valid as saying Muslims deserve scorn because 9/11. You are judging an entire religion, and all of its followers, because some people twisted it to do bad shit. If you really think every Christian out there is a Crusades-loving warmonger, you are a fucking dumb piece of vile shit.

This is pretty hilariously stupid. If I didn’t know better, I would think that you are coming here and saying that all Christians are bad and everyone of other religions is good. If you’ve never met someone who identified as a Christian who was basically just a normal, everyday person, then you have not met very many

You are supposed to ask God for strength, or this or that, not declare that he gave it to you.

People that say that God told them to do this or that really have a God complex. They believe so firmly in their own righteousness that they will attribute their own thoughts to God. It really is scary.

Eh, misleading facts can be true. This was just a straight up lie. It could have been said as a misleading fact, if it were said differently. But it wasn’t.

We can’t put a number on it now that the number we put on it, 800, has been revealed to be pulled squarely out of our ass, and is not only meaningless, but basically impossibly high.

It’s funny because they do.

Chris Cillizza is basically a much less successful version of Donald Trump. He’s stupid, he only cares about himself and promoting his “brand”, and he is a terrible person.

I’m waiting for the corollary reaction when Donald gets his ass handed to him in the 2020 election (god willing):

The Rock became a megastar despite the fact that he, too, cannot act.

I meant hanging out with and having sex. Basically, casual dating, but I didn’t want to give the impression of even a quasi-serious relationship.

All of those people are in politics, and yes, they are awful. But even still, I think I could name plenty of men that are worse.

Maybe it is different as a guy, because conservative women are probably not as nasty and evil as conservative men, but I never had a problem hanging out with conservatives in DC, though I don’t think any of them were actually in politics, at least not directly. I was once just dumbstruck to find out a conservative

Such a surprise that this set of people would make excuses for the fact that nobody likes them and nobody wants to see their penises.

Tubby Smith quit at Kentucky like I broke up with my ex-girlfriend.

That food looks fucking disgusting.

I just wish the “morbid” part of that would kick in, sooner rather than later.

The only part of the Oscars I care about is the part where it makes these racist, humorless fuckfaces upset. Probably not the pundits. They probably know they are peddling 7th rate bullshit, but their viewers are legitimately mad about a industry circle jerk that happens to be televised.

da met fish wit her gatherment, come at me, bro

This is the administration I turn to when I want to know what obstruction of justice is.