
The Huckster forgot to add after she said that there’s not “a lot of broad support...” a key qualifier to that statement: “... from the assholes like the NRA that prop up our shithole operation with blood money.” If she’d added that, it would have been true.

Don’t forget about the doctors.

The sooner you disabuse yourself of the image of a conservative, Republican principle, the sooner this will make sense.

Fox News: Where the least important thing is the most important thing if it happens to a rich, straight, white guy.

Stupid families of senseless gun crime can’t be consoled by self-flagellating ammosexuals. The nerve, I tell you.


What was he doing? Contemplating why James Harden can push him to the floor and not be called for a foul. Just my guess.

Right, if there were a situation where a heavily armed troop of police officers were needed, I’d hope they were present. But to have a heavily armed troop of officers seemingly to make these students feel better seems counterproductive. As far as I know, there was no special threat on this day. So if this is just a

It won’t make them reconsider. They are whacko retards. And whacko retards are gonna whacko retard.

The cops are too scared to show up without their AR-15s. But yes, students, you should feel safe. Am I the only one that has never been comforted by police with huge guns?

Okay, taking this all as true (which of course, no), did he really stop a mugging or did he just witness the end of a mugging? Did the one guy get beat up and then the other guy who did it got away? That’s not really doing anything on Two Scoops part.

After running too thin on reasons to ridicule and criticize protesters, the final refuge of the right-wing nut job has become “they’re too good at it, so it must be fake.”

Organized labor has it’s back against the post and the firing squad is lifting their rifles. I’m not sure you can describe that as a life and death struggle. It’s about to be dead.

When humping the NRA comes into conflict with humping soulless corporations, which humping will win out?

When Negan killed Glen and the red-headed guy. I was already tired of the story just repeating itself, and the violence was too graphic for me. I decided at that point I’d had enough. I had only been watching because I thought it would be ending soon and I’d committed so much time. I’m so glad now that I got out. 10

If you steal a dollar, you are a criminal; if you steal a billion dollars, you are a genius.

They could just video record the real classes at the university, then have a voice-over guy say “nuh-uh” periodically, and play it for these students. That’s basically the crux of the conservative anti-intellectual argument.

Aside from making fun of accents, what in sam hell does that tweet even mean?

Also of note: the CFPB has absolutely zero ability to fine Boonville FSB.* So who is this sniveling turd carrying water for?

I’ve never watched the Two Girls, One Cup video. I’ve never understood the desire to watch something you absolutely know will be revolting and will haunt your dreams. What is it about humans that makes them want to make themselves miserable? Today, I did something that reaffirms my steadfast decision. I watched that