
It doesn't tease any wild twist. Sephiroth fucks with clouds head constantly making him think he's crazy and do things he wants. 

It really doesn’t seem to me to be anything more than an extrapolation of the mind games Sephiroth was playing on Cloud throughout the first half of the original game.

The lines from Sephiroth in the footage seem to be aimed at Cloud, talking about an unnamed “she” that can mess with your mind or take the form of those you know or love.

It does sometimes feel like Sonic Team is mad that Sonic Mania was so well-received.


You don’t HAVE to watch Advent Children but it is a very significant piece to the puzzle, love it or hate it. I love it. Even Dirge of Cerebrus has important lore in it (much less then AC tho). 

It was a sequel.

To the first question, Spider-Byte should be able to answer that easily. If it’s known (as it seems to be among most of the characters) that Miles’s spider isn’t from his dimension, Spider-Bye (who operates the device that sends people to their own dimension) would likely know it scans the spider, not the invidividual.

Looks like a whole load of nothing to me. “Comment number 2/3 pretty much amount to “you explore the world and stuff happens, and “comment number 4 is meaningless since they’re not about to tell people not to buy the game. Would have been nice to embed (or even better, screenshot) all four of these for the

I dunno, to me that’s where it gets way more interesting from a game design perspective.
For what it’s worth I don’t think they’re saying Link is some sort of imperialist, or that you’re a bad person for liking the game (it’s rad as hell, you should love it), they’re just pointing out how ingrained ideas in society

The movie is definitely more accessible than the book (the book is somewhat dry and spends quite a bit of itself talking about relatively dry subjects). Also, the movie doesn’t try to support a faacist government and corporal punishment.

He played Rico. 

Sometimes a bad adaptation of a bad book cancels things out and you get a good movie :-)

Doesn’t Faze know her dad is a war hero who saved us all from the bug invasion after the destruction of his home town of Buenos Aires? Show some respect.

FaZe is a humiliating stain on the already tumorous and ugly “gaming culture” they cannot leave the scene soon enough. Disgusting people.

Never been a problem for the GOP

Good luck attracting sponsors and investors if your brand stands for misogynistic bullying.

Comedy taste is too personal to argue over (I believe people who love Family Guy genuinely love it — good for them!). But I do think it’s inarguable that ITYSL is in its own belligerent way maybe the nicest comedy on streaming (sorry Ted Lasso). There’s something just silly-hearted and uncruel about his absurdity.

I see the backlash is well under way, judging by many of these comments. Whatever haters, this show’s fucking hilarious.

This show is a great way to find bad people.