
This Article sucks

Capcom should make a top down RE 4p co-op Gauntlet brawler. lol

IT would be like if someone kept remaking “friends” but with a different cast, setting and time period every season. 

Ngl I like the writing in the RE games and CG films because they are absolutely batshit insane. It’s camp, cliche, and over top and it knows it is, I can respect that.

The CGI movies are fun, and I’ll hear no nonsense to the contrary. 

the CG Resident Evil movies are really good though. I don’t think there’s as limited a budget as you think.

100%. The Omen trailer they released a month or two before the game came out is still one of my favorite trailers of all time, but it has absolutely nothing to do with the plot of the game, even from an abstract thematic level. It’s bizarre, and set expectations up in a strange way.

I don’t think hype is the problem. The problem is when fans make their own over expectations that aren’t met when the game comes out. That may or may not be SE fault by taking 5 years to release a game after announcing it but I think that’s what they are going for.

Warts and all, XV brought me back after a good 15 years where the franchise just didn’t have anything to offer me - at this point, my expectations are dirt-level. All I’m asking for is a story that meets basic levels of coherence from start to finish, and characters with arcs that go from A to B and *maybe* C if they

Edgy, grim-dark posturing is an extremely inaccurate description of the Final Fantasy series, lol.

it really not though. it’s very easy to follow if you just pay attention.

When the hell is he brooding in Remake? He’s a snarky asshole, sometimes a dork trying too hard to be cool, just like in the original.

That’s not the plot at all. He knew Jenova wasn’t an ancient by the time the main events in FFVII are underway. In AC his goal is to harness the planet and use it as a vessel to traverse the cosmos, as Jenova did before him. The end of FFVIIR gives a bit more insight into his motivation for doing so.

Cloud will brood forever because that’s what the fans want.

There’s a lot in AC that doesn’t age very well in terms of direction and editing (it screamsearly 2000s action movie), but the core story, at least in the Complete edition, is actually pretty solid and I think underrated, or maybe just misunderstood.

the plot makes perfect sense if you just pay attention.

I love the CG Resident Evil movies. I’m getting my nephew to play through the more recent Resident Evil games so that we can watch the movies between them. he’s a big John Wick fan so I know he’s gonna love the fight scenes.

but AC doesn’t change that at all. It’s only 2 years after the event of FFVII and it’s mainly only about Cloud journey. The 500 years in the future is still canon and up to interpretation has to what actually happens.

Make sure to watch the “Complete” version. It feels much more like an actual movie than just a jumble of cool scenes.

There are certainly left wing or politically neutral conspiracy theories out there, but the specific ones that this game seems to be basing its plot on are ones that are almost exclusively believed by the far right, essentially that all protests aren’t ordinary people upset about injustices, but are all actors being