So a company spent money in order to offer a superior version of a product than their competitor, and this is... bad? There are a lot of problems you can lay at the feet of capitalism, but I really can’t see this being one of them.
So a company spent money in order to offer a superior version of a product than their competitor, and this is... bad? There are a lot of problems you can lay at the feet of capitalism, but I really can’t see this being one of them.
And millions of customers shouldn’t want multiple platforms.
Another article where I just don’t get gamer rationale.
Nobody bats an eyelash when it comes down to exclusive ps4 titles, but exclusive dlc? Oh no, everybody get your pitchforks out.
Creators of Tasteless Military Game #885093 Mad About Similar Tasteless Military Game #885094
Ubisoft explains in their complaint that R6 Siege is one of their most “valuable intellectual properties”
Time for some popcorn
Ubisoft is desperate. Why not just create a mobile version of Rainbow Six Siege so people can download the real thing instead of the “copy”? If big Hollywood studios can't do nothing about Asylum movies, Ubisoft doesn't have a chance in court.
Now thanks to Ubisoft, anyone looking for the R6 experience on mobile will know what to install.
Thanks for that! I think Bring The Noise and B-Boy Document ‘99 are the real losses for me there.
simp existed to make fun of those dudes donating thousands to girls in an attempt at love for like 0.013 seconds.
At 800x800, you can’t even go inside the buildings.
Those sentences must have taken so long to type. ಠ_ಠ
This is why i don’t publicize my prices on social media. If Elijah Wood came to my town, I’d follow him around asking him things like if it hurt when Gollum bit off his finger, and then he’d stop hanging out in the villages of us common folk.
The ending was near perfect. The novelty of doing the same things beat for beat would have worn off; we’ll still get to see a lot of the same places in Part 2 and on but the story will now be different. Now you’re telling me there’s a chance Aerith doesn’t die, or someone else does? It’s new, it’s interesting.
The diagonal and center steps make me irrationally angry at this game.
I was that guy who was pretty salty about this new active combat system. Give me turn based or death!
I thought the same thing but bought it anyway and now it’s really grown on me. Love it actually.
Use regular attacks to build up ATB.
I thought the same thing but bought it anyway and now it’s really grown on me. Love it actually.
Use regular attacks…
I appreciate easy/story mode. I’m here to have a good time (that means not doing the same fight over and over), enjoy the story itself, and then move on to the next thing. So in the case of FF7, I’m actually happy to hear this...