
What you just did there, was put words in somebody’s mouth. You don’t know this person. You can’t say that they’d react any differently. When I see videos from Tik Tok, I noticed that the guys that get noticed, are either more attractive, or going full comedy. Same for the girls. I also know, that the main reason she

Drugs are a hell of a drug

No, you get it. Boobs and cleavage and attention toward those who are attention starved, for a $5 tip. That’s all it is.

Specifically, you, in a parenthetical clause, specified him.

Totally; who’s got time to watch other people play video games between work and my own time to play video games? do realize that all of the vitriol you’re spitting is what you assume I’m saying when I haven’t ever said any of it. That is a logical fallacy.

It seems quite a few people have taken DEEP offense to this reply.


Nah, I actually didn’t discredit her hustle. And recognizing that her aesthetic quality caused people to tune in at first isn’t a dislike and dismissiveness of women. 

Yeah I’m 29 and now officially have no idea what is going on. I mean, other than the bascis of “people like to watch hot people do stuff”. That will never go out of style.

No. You DO get it. I’m CERTAIN you do.

“Perfect Storm”—- Ohhhkk. Whatever you want to call your cleavage. Good on her for keeping up the momentum, but a spade is a spade.

I’m officially too old to “get” streamer culture. Like I get it, but I don’t “get” it. 

SUUUUUPER unpopular opinion:

Castle Crashers is timeless. There’s no way it will ever not be fun. I buy it on every platform possible. If you somehow haven’t played it, round up the cat, or your SO, or whoever’s gonna play, and get to it.

No, the guy responsible for the translation itself did an incredible job, considering the insanely small amount of time and resources he was given.

Let’s not Cloud the issue. We’ll have to grin and Barrett. Those of us who cut our Tifa on the original recognize this as the Aerith to the throne. I’ve Red XIII different takes on this Remake, or more, and however Yuffie about it, I Cait Sith any other option than to play it. If your not conVincent, I conCid that

As long as RE8 is less like RE7 and more like these recent remakes from a gameplay and mechanics standpoint, I agree. I’m in the minority but I really didn’t like RE7 all that much. Like I get actively irritated playing it  

Original RE3 introduced the fast turn back (not sure it's the right term) . Bottom + X

Honestly, if we do get a CV remake, I personally hope they keep the basic setup, and throw out everything else. Don’t get me wrong, I was just as enamored with it as anyone at release, I bought it day one and I didn’t even own a Dreamcast. Of all the pre-RE4 titles, though, it holds up the worst. The majority of it is

eff that, I was watching a let’s play of the demo and when Nemesis is charging like ‘all aboard the pain train’ i’m like oh my fucking god and i wasn’t even playing