I did not read the article but I think I know the answer to this one: is it because Cruise Ship Companies can go fuck themselves?
I did not read the article but I think I know the answer to this one: is it because Cruise Ship Companies can go fuck themselves?
Even if it wasn’t for the offshoring of their corporations, when was the last time you DIDN’T hear about an epidemic spread on cruise ships? Just for that alone, they shouldn’t get a penny!
Also, we have to be regulated when it comes to modifying our cars, but these smoldering garbage barges are allowed to exist? Good fucking riddance.
Build ships in non-US shipyards? Fuck you!
dissenting opinion #6: Doom Eternal’s level design feels fake. Regardless of my enjoyment of puzzle platforming/jump puzzle/parkour sequences in video games, it should at least not feel ‘fake’
What platforming there was in 2016 felt somewhat organic because you had this “gotta climb the ruined structures” mentality of…
I’m only partway through the game, but I agree that Doom Eternal definitely follows the concept of “more”. It’s so much “more” that I can’t track everything and fall back on “aim well with powerful guns”.
I really don't think there as many alt right gamers as you think, most are just trolling
I love not only how he is using his talents and success to call attention to progressive issues, but that he’s doing it in in the videogame eco-sphere, a place where the alt right has viciously taken a hold and that cultivates racism and misogyny. Its good to have a positive gamer role model.
Could be worse.....coulda been Martin Shkreli.
Probably gets off on underwater levels too. Shameful.
I know I have mentioned it before here, but the original series was amazing for kids because it touched on so many issues that directly affect kids. Childhood is often just portrayed as this whimsical, carefree time of life where you don’t have to worry about the bigger issues going on in the political realms, but…
Hold up, you actually like fetch quests? Do you like escort quests too? Are you the guy in every QA group that's been causing me a lifetime of monotonous torment?
Or games where Superman has to fly through hoops.
“Joe won because he has name recognition and older Black people know who the fuck he is and what to expect from him.”
This is what I fear most. If Bernie doesn’t get the nomination they are going to have a meltdown and throw a temper tantrum just like 2016 and we end up with Trump. Again.
If you count Biden’s campaign as a mess, well they were.
And what are you saying to the Black people who think that the southern Black vote is fucking the rest of over? Again.
irrelevant because it doesnt help you make your point. got it.